- Comment on Sure, WSJ. Next do an article on Selection Bias 1 hour ago:
Oh nice, you found 1 family that this is relevant for. Now call that family “all millennials”! Proper journalism right here.
- Comment on Hypothetically, if you are a witness or whistleblower who's adversary was a very big corporation (such as boeing), what measures could you take to prevent yourself from being "suicided"? 2 hours ago:
*whose adversary
- Comment on That's a good one 3 hours ago:
Have you ever tried to eat a clock?
- Comment on DNA 1 day ago:
Yes – exactly! I think that’s actually the missing part here: “That’s”. It makes the following thing they say sound much more complete. 👍 Thank you!
- Comment on DNA 1 day ago:
Now, I’m not as much of a grammar nerd as I’d like to be, but from what I understand, “irony right there” isn’t a complete sentence, or barely even a complete clause. It’s just a few words that should be part of a clause.
Maybe someone could fill in the grammatical details here, or prove me wrong.
- Comment on DNA 1 day ago:
Could you clarify? Do you mean to say it’s incomplete or actually complete?
- Comment on DNA 2 days ago:
You’re right. The schmuck name calling was perhaps a bit harsh on you.
You were “playing” on Murphy/Muphry? What does that mean? It seems like you just didn’t know Muphry’s Law was a thing, and you tried to hang me for “misspelling” it, then you realized what it is and deleted the comment. But maybe I’m just assuming. 🤷♂️
I don’t know if you’re bantering, perhaps you are. I just have a hobby of shitting on people’s grammar that complain about other people’s grammar. It’s this Robin Hood type of feeling I get. I’m probably sick or something.
Take care!
- Comment on DNA 2 days ago:
Fair enough, let’s have at it, Mr. “King’s English”. (God, do you even hear how insufferably pretentious that sounds?)
Let’s start with the original comment. My edits in [brackets].
“God safe us” - [the] irony right there[… something? “is funny”? What about the irony? You have to finish the thought.][missing comma] especially when critical of someone else’s use of an acronym[comma] perhaps one’s own grasp of the English language should be a little better!!! [Overuse of exclamation points, although one could argue the level of severity in the contents of your message…]
God save us …. [space between “us” and the ellipsis"; and an extra period after the ellipsis]
Next comment!
Well then[missing comma] use this as a teaching moment and elaborate[missing comma; also another “then”? Then then then then.] then?
I live in a country that uses the King’s English[pretentious af but nothing wrong here], not the American version so please enlighten me - [hyphen instead of en dash] I do enjoy learning. [Good, you’re learning right now.]
But don’t say there are [“is an amount”, probably? I don’t know what the King says, but that’s what I would say] an amount of errors without even trying to quantify them….given [again, ellipsis with an extra period; also the weird use of an ellipsis here – it should be a comma] the burden of proof rests with you.
Did you learn something?
- Comment on DNA 2 days ago:
😆👌 fair enough
- Comment on DNA 2 days ago:
to elaborate? I may have missed a comma here or there, but what else was wrong?
I mean your own spelling is rather atrocious - especially when devices tend to have a spell check; “Muphry”? Is he a distant cousin of Murphy perchance?
Oh and I use the Kings English here in my country, not “US English” ……
Oh my word, this was embarrassing. 😂
- Comment on DNA 2 days ago:
The amount of grammatical mistakes in your own comment is pretty ironic as well.
Muphry’s Law strikes again.
- Comment on Broccoli, cheese, and MILFs 2 days ago:
Well now we need to see pictures of your hot mom and hot sis so we can judge for ourselves in the name of science and research.
- Comment on Pretty interesting when you really think about it. 4 days ago:
That would be pretty sweet if accurate. Just satisfy the bare necessities and be free the rest of the time. Exploring other topics, for fun and benefit.
- Comment on Discord: Have you lost access to your email? no worries, just regain access to it! 4 days ago:
The way you wrote this is so logical and in such plain text that I just started giggling. 😂 Very well put. I hope the one you replied to understood after this lol, otherwise… 🤷♂️🍍
- Comment on Discord: Have you lost access to your email? no worries, just regain access to it! 4 days ago:
Half a year later, I’m replying… Sorry!
Thank you very much for this tip! I really appreciate it! 🙏🎖️
- Comment on I definitely never unsubscribed from a YouTube channel just for that... 4 days ago:
4 months later, sorry for the late reply. Thank you for this explanation! 😁🙏
- Comment on Pretty interesting when you really think about it. 4 days ago:
One could argue that you can be poor/abused anywhere. But there’s a clear difference in quality of life here.
Very true. You’ve captured my exact sentiment here.
And also, the very fact that you can be poor even in rich countries is an even greater failure of the system. Nobody in a “rich” country should be impoverished. There are plenty of resources there to take care of everyone as long as we all work together. But the system rewards only those who work for themselves.
- Comment on Pretty interesting when you really think about it. 4 days ago:
Cool, just down vote instead of having a conversation…
- Comment on Pretty interesting when you really think about it. 4 days ago:
But only for the rich. If you don’t have money, you can’t
escapeleave your country. Barely even travel in your own country. Society has broken our nomadic heritage. We did it to ourselves eons ago when we started cultivation of the land, but with the modern borders and stuff, it’s just been made so much harder. - Comment on Pretty interesting when you really think about it. 4 days ago:
I think about this a few times a year and I become sad each time. We only get this one planet in the whole ass universe. And we can barely see all of it, unless we’re lucky and/or rich (at least moreso than most of humankind).
It’s profoundly ridiculous.
- Comment on ohh ... 1 week ago:
Very good points. I haven’t seen many other posts regarding this, so I just saw it in this isolated context.
But still, even with the flaws in our European systems, most of them are far superior to the US. The insane amounts you get charged for a simple accident can be hilarious. It’s like, breaking a leg costs the same as buying a car. It shouldn’t be that way. :-( Especially when the accident is caused by someone else.
But, you’re not wrong. 👍 No system is perfect, definitely. Our healthcare system in my country is silently on the verge of collapse because the wages are so low. So employees are quitting left and right, because the stress and workload is not worth the pay. Yet there is a requirement to offer healthcare, so they hire fill-in workers that cost waaaaaay more, so the cost still goes up either way for the employers, yet the net number of workers is also fewer than before. So they are paying more money for less workers, instead of just paying proper salaries for the ones that actually employed.
It’s ridiculous. They’d rather spend 2x money than pay x money, for the principle. Just a big 🖕 to the workforce.
- Comment on ohh ... 1 week ago:
USA have an awful system but it doesn’t mean it’s perfect everywhere else
I don’t think that’s the message in this post either, so… The message is, it’s just far, far worse with the system they have, due to all healthcare being privatized.
At least that is my understanding. 🤷♂️
- Comment on Indian start-up Yes Madam fires employees who indicated being stressed in the survey 1 week ago:
I’m a software developer and, while I don’t smoke all day, I’m a night owl. Some days I’ll go to bed at 2 AM several nights in a row, and after that, I basically go a couple days where I don’t get anything done. So I might as well practically have been smoking all day being high as a kite. 😅
- Comment on Indian start-up Yes Madam fires employees who indicated being stressed in the survey 1 week ago:
As long as you get the necessary shit done, why’d anyone care?
I don’t, I just couldn’t imagine many work places where you’d work in a team or interact with clients or customers or coworkers where this type of thing would be accepted.
But ah, Finland ✅, and night shifts ✅, and younger crew with little to no management around ✅, still able to perform a not so crucial task requiring not a lot of brain power ✅. I’m all for it dude. Have fun while working, that’s the bomb. ❤️
- Comment on Indian start-up Yes Madam fires employees who indicated being stressed in the survey 1 week ago:
stoner dudes high as balls 247 who don’t give a shit
Bro where do you work where this is not caught in the first interview
- Comment on Splat 1 week ago:
Well you got me there. And I bet it pays considerably more too.
- Comment on Anon meets a girl at a wedding 1 week ago:
Sounds like it, cuz.
- Comment on Splat 1 week ago:
Make a new account and do two (three) pieces of work instead of no work for the same net result. 🤔🎱🙂↔️
- Comment on Anon meets a girl at a wedding 1 week ago:
A few? Not just two??
- Comment on Charities of Employees from "non-profit" I was going to donate too 1 week ago:
I don’t think it’s wrong though 😁👍