- Comment on Aptly named 5 hours ago:
Indeed, I fully
- Comment on Nintendo Direct Confirmed For Tomorrow, 27th March 2025 1 day ago:
I think no switch 2.
We already have a date for that.
- Comment on I feel my life is empty. Is there any way to stop this? 5 weeks ago:
Allow yourself enjoyment. Do things.
Enforce ‘this was fun’.
Sounds stupid and piling responsibility on you. I’m sorry about that. But maybe this can help you. I’ve been there.
- Comment on Nintendo Switch 2 finally officially revealed 2 months ago:
Yes you’re right, in a way. I have mich respect for valve for that.
However the ‘non streamlinedness’ is hidden there. It’s not a closed system like a console.
- Comment on Boomers with their loud Samsung phone sounds 2 months ago:
I have several examples of this behavior in close range to me. You’re right many don’t know, turns out these devices are far too complex for many people (not blaming them).
- Comment on Boomers with their loud Samsung phone sounds 2 months ago:
We used to laugh about sidetalking… Now everyone does, as I call it, the sandwich. Holding flat in front of mouth.
- Comment on Boomers with their loud Samsung phone sounds 2 months ago:
You know, the thing is THEY CANT HEAR VERY WELL NOW so they might not give a shit.
Greeting from the generation in between.
- Comment on Nintendo Switch 2 finally officially revealed 2 months ago:
That’s a fair question which I have to cut a little short due to it being a huge topic:
The overhead of a full blown operating system you have to maintain is not a trivial thing. You have to update and maintain os, drivers and applications at least and it’s directed at all purpose use in general. That means all of the above and games might or might not fit well to a handheld device. Even if it’s maintained by a third party (eg Asus) there are many many moving parts that are all purpose. This might be a dialog box with unaccessible options you have to work around or games not working with the controls you need to fix and might never (for me steredenn on steam deck).
Compared to this a console is an optimized experience, golden cage. Things just work. Yes there might be the off chance but in general the producer has a system. 100% under their control and can test and optimize very well, which Nintendo debatably does.
- Comment on Nintendo Switch 2 finally officially revealed 2 months ago:
Well Windows is a no for me on that. And while the steam deck is nice and the OS runs on the ally too, it’s still a pc with all it’s pros and cons.
(I use both worlds BTW)
- Comment on Nvidia Announces RTX 50's Graphic Card Blackwell Series: RTX 5090 ($1999), RTX 5080 ($999), RTX 5070 Ti ($749), RTX 5070 ($549) 2 months ago:
Don’t forget to mention the huge wattage.
More performance for me is more identical fps at the same amount of power.
- Comment on Switch game recommendations 2 months ago:
Heave ho.
You’ll all have a blast.
- Comment on The European mind can't comprehend 3 months ago:
Well, to be fair, I died about a year ago (literally) and me staying dead would also pretty much have meant leaving the current home. So while in Europe the immediate medical bills do not ruin you a family loss still might, since you’re missing the (part of) income.
(there’s a circular relationship between living location/costs and possible job)
- Comment on Is it possible to fix one's eyesight? What are working methods? What is to be cautious about? 3 months ago:
Thanks for your insight. 👍
- Comment on Is it possible to fix one's eyesight? What are working methods? What is to be cautious about? 3 months ago:
Be aware the correction likely is not forever and might require further treatments every few years.
- Comment on How Trump's Tariffs Could Cost Gamers Billions 3 months ago:
Schwein gehabt!
- Comment on Why are $70 AAA games slashing prices so drastically? 3 months ago:
It’s called idiot tax. (hint: not the discounted price)
- Comment on Im flyinf to the USA from england 4 months ago:
They’re driving on the right side.
- Comment on How do Americans win their country back? 4 months ago:
If I had that answer I would be happy to share.
- Comment on How do Americans win their country back? 4 months ago:
It is too late for a while now. Try to be safe, even if that means moving.
- Comment on Star Citizen player reports CIG is making him sign an NDA before getting a refund 4 months ago:
It’s a bubble.
A friend of mine who bought it clearly states that that’s never going to get anywhere. But he’s only paid a regular amount and accepted the risk and loss.
- Comment on Steam Now Warns Consumers That They're Buying a License, Not a Game During a Purchase 5 months ago:
It is a difference if you get stuff prepackaged in a uniform format.
But full agreement on the rest, yes with steam tendency to include drm (especially if new aaa) and gog hopefully not (but sometimes failing) as it still is their selling point.
- Comment on Steam Now Warns Consumers That They're Buying a License, Not a Game During a Purchase 5 months ago:
Okay let’s chalk this up to some language barrier or cultural misunderstanding then. 😁
- Comment on Steam Now Warns Consumers That They're Buying a License, Not a Game During a Purchase 5 months ago:
Err… You often don’t have the files drm free on Steam.
Anyhow. Seeing the down votes I’d love for some to elaborate.
- Comment on Steam Now Warns Consumers That They're Buying a License, Not a Game During a Purchase 5 months ago:
While that may be partly true, depending on the county you’re located, they’re not able to revoke the license though.
So in this specific case you having the files makes a world of difference.
- Comment on I need new glasses. The only insurance-approved place I can shop online will cost $250 with my needs. I went to a "cheap" glasses website that doesn't accept insurance: $250. Yay, America. 7 months ago:
Just to give you a little something:
My glasses cost around 500€ to 700€ per glass (so so around 1200€ plus frame) and I have to pay them myself.
- Comment on why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out. 8 months ago:
- Comment on The June Nintendo Direct Airs Tomorrow 9 months ago:
- Comment on Legends of Adventure: The Story of Sierra On-Line 9 months ago:
I might, thanks!
- Comment on Legends of Adventure: The Story of Sierra On-Line 9 months ago:
I didn’t read that one.
Ken’s book is mainly focused on the business side of things. While that does sound boring how I stated it it is very good imo.
- Comment on Legends of Adventure: The Story of Sierra On-Line 9 months ago:
Color me surprised. I’ve read ken’s book which is recommendable. So what’s new here?