- Comment on I hate this image because idiots will see it, not understand what its showing, and make up some crazy shit based on it. 3 weeks ago:
Yeah that outer edge is called the firmament.
I mean, it’s not the worst name for the CMB.
- Comment on Chat, is this true? 3 weeks ago:
Looks like “not exactly,” but it’s cool nonetheless:
- Comment on Indiana is a great place to hire child labor 4 weeks ago:
Wrong Christmas color.
- Comment on Indiana is a great place to hire child labor 4 weeks ago:
You’re not wrong.
- Comment on Indiana is a great place to hire child labor 4 weeks ago:
Hoosier here. We’re trying to fix it. But guess which party has had a supermajority in state government for decades?
- Comment on Balatro wins formal appeal to reclassify poker game as PEGI 12 4 weeks ago:
In college, circa 2005, I played about three hours of WoW during a free weekend. I installed the game (from a CD!), started it up, and played for an afternoon. When I got up to go to the bathroom, I realized that I was at a crossroads: I could either make this game my life for the next indeterminate number of years, or I could leave it behind forever. Those were literally the only two options for me. My brain would accept no third option.
I deleted the game and went out to get pizza. Since then I’ve never picked it up again, and now it’s so big and unwieldy I’m not even tempted anymore. But that was a touch and go situation for those few hours.
A few games have given me similar pulls over the years, but I’ve gotten better about it. Balatro is the most recent one to grab me, since I got it only when it came to mobile. And yeah, it grabbed me pretty hard, but I also know that once I unlock all the Jokers I’m unlikely to go much further in it.
- Comment on Balatro wins formal appeal to reclassify poker game as PEGI 12 4 weeks ago:
Addictive, yes, but non-extractive. There’s a big huge difference.
- Comment on Is there any way our of the US political spiral? 1 month ago:
It’s an illusion. Not that many people care (which was the problem in November), but the ones who do are loud about it.
The issue is one of education. The Republicans have been spewing non-stop misinformation, and the populace is too uneducated to understand the difference. When people actually know what’s going on and understand it, they overwhelmingly oppose conservative policies. Which is why Project 2025 wants to take a sledgehammer to public education.
If Democrats diverted all of their advertising budget toward remedial education of the electorate, I think they’d find themselves in a much better state in 2028.
- Comment on Is there any way our of the US political spiral? 1 month ago:
It’s not exactly 0%. Their ineptitude is still fully on display, and that’s always been our greatest hope. But it is pretty bleak, and pinning our future on the hopes that the other side makes a mistake only makes it bleaker.
- Comment on You'll never see it coming 2 months ago:
Also true!
- Comment on You'll never see it coming 2 months ago:
I don’t believe it’s unfalsifiable, its just fundamentally true. You cant observe yourself in any reality where you are incapable of onserving yourself.
As you note, it’s the only logically-consistent framework through which to view the world we live in. But are there other ways in which the universe could’ve formed that we might be able to falsify it?
Imagine two universes, A and B. They’re entirely disconnected and independent from one another; no matter or energy can flow in either direction, except that through some exotic process, a small window exists in universe A through which universe B can be observed without affecting it in any way (Heisenbergs HATE this!). Universe A is just as our own is, including our existence, with the single exception of this window. In universe B, however, the laws of physics do not permit carbon atoms to form in stars, so no sentient life has ever formed.
In those universes, then, the Anthropic Principle would be falsified; as the residents of Universe A could observe a universe in which they could not have arisen.
Or consider a Boltzmann Brain (or a simulated universe). Were we to discover that our existence was of either nature, that too would falsify the Anthropic Principle, as we are not actually observing a universe.
Anyway. It’s not falsifiable in our reality, as far as we can tell. But we can imagine ways in which it could be falsifiable.
- Comment on You'll never see it coming 2 months ago:
I’ve never heard of that name for it, though the “observation selection” principle might be what you’re thinking of. They’re synonyms.
- Comment on You'll never see it coming 2 months ago:
There’s a principle, I can’t remember the name of it, but basically it goes that the universe exists in such a way as to support life, because if it didn’t, there would be no one around to discuss the ways in which the universe might have formed.
The Anthropic Principle. It’s a mind-bender, especially because it’s fundamentally unfalsifiable.
- Comment on You'll never see it coming 2 months ago:
We don’t really know what consciousness is, so we can’t really be sure that it is subject to entropy.
- Comment on There is a fee to close my HSA account 2 months ago:
“You are not the customer, you are the product” is true so often, but in many cases (like this one) it doesn’t really apply.
First off, “not the customer but the product” is an inherently antagonistic relationship. Your goals are opposed to Facebook’s, for instance, because you want to spend less time on the platform and you want to interact with friends and not brands, but Facebook wants the opposite of both. But with HSA administration, your goals and your employer’s goals are aligned: you both want someone who will quickly and painlessly manage your account without being a pain.
Second, “not the customer but the product” implies an undisclosed, extractive payment occurring behind the scenes. TikTok is harvesting a great deal of data from you and selling it to other companies. You are the product in that your data has value. But with HSA administration, the product is just the management of your HSA money; there’s no under-the-table dealing going on here (or there shouldn’t be); they’re getting paid by your company for their services.
Third, “not the customer but the product” relationships are entirely one-way; you have no way to impact the providing company beyond just not using their services. They do not, will not, and at some level can never care about your experience beyond making it as minimally useful to you to keep you on the platform. But that HSA provider desperately needs your company’s business, so if enough of your coworkers raise a stink and get your company to complain, they will make a change.
In actuality, “not the customer but the product” ignores the unfortunate reality of most HR/payroll service companies in this case: they’re just the lowest bidder, contracted at the bottom dollar to provide the cheapest services possible, because your employers don’t have to use their services and don’t care about your experience.
- Comment on There is a fee to close my HSA account 2 months ago:
At the very least, the USPS is getting money out of them. More than the 2¢, even.
- Comment on Grirrrll.... 2 months ago:
College bros would compete to swallow the roughest and sharpest ones. There would be a Silicon Valley startup trying to “disrupt” gastroliths with a “smart stomach stone” that gathered data about what you’re eating and sold it to McDonald’s and Kroger. Couples who were really serious would prove it by regurgitating and swapping stones. The “raw gut” movement would be trying to convince people that they didn’t need gastroliths, they just needed to eat softer foods.
- Comment on Grirrrll.... 2 months ago:
People will make a health conspiracy out of every innocuous thing, though.
- Comment on 25 Years Ago, A One-of-a-Kind Movie Captured the Hearts of Star Trek Fans Everywhere 2 months ago:
It’s been on Trek fandom lists of best movies because the fans noticed.
Trek fans prior to 2010-ish tended to not take themselves too seriously. They took the show seriously, sure (maybe too seriously) but not themselves.
- Comment on Do spam calls "I wanna buy your house" ever work? Has anyone ever sold their house like that? 2 months ago:
The “I want to buy your house” things are a little bit different, because they’re usually not technically scams (though they are definitely predatory). If you work with them, you will probably receive money in exchange for your house. It’s just that your sale price is likely to be far, far below what you could’ve received by listing it yourself on the open market.
- Comment on Do spam calls "I wanna buy your house" ever work? Has anyone ever sold their house like that? 3 months ago:
They’re exclusively targeting people who don’t know how much their property is worth. Usually people in transitioning neighborhoods who bought their home 40 years ago for $10k, who don’t know that their property alone is worth $200k today and will happily take $80k cash from some rando on the phone because they think the 800% return is a great deal.
I’ve lived in neighborhoods like that for a while. The phone calls we receive are insane; in our old house, which we knew was worth $300k because we had just had it appraised to put it on the market, the guy on the phone offered us $65k sight unseen. I was like, “if you even took the twelve seconds to look at this property on Street View you’d know why that is a laughable idea.”
- Comment on Rumors Of End to Xbox-Only Exclusives Swirl As More Game Studios Embrace Simultaneous Launch Strategy 3 months ago:
Yeah, well, losing two console generations in a row will do that.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
I’m a parent, and I don’t want special treatment. Some consideration would be nice, but honestly I just want every employee to be treated like adults.
- Comment on Will Republicans try another Federal Right to Work attempt? 3 months ago:
It’s not your right to (do) work. It’s the employer’s right to (have) work (provided to them at low cost). So you’re absolutely right about the FFPUWW.
- Comment on Will Republicans try another Federal Right to Work attempt? 3 months ago:
It’s not your right to (do) work. It’s the employer’s right to (have) work (provided to them at low cost).
- Comment on YEET 3 months ago:
Most of this is going to be “eh, agree to disagree” because we just don’t have enough data. But I do want to call out a couple of things:
No, both heat up. The air cushion transfers its heat to the object next to it.
Over time, yes. But we don’t have very much of it. Heat transfer is not instantaneous; would it be long enough for the air to transfer its heat to the object, before the object reaches the Karman Line? Radiation is pretty quick (like, speed-of-light quick), but conduction is much slower; particularly when one of the bodies (the air) is an insulator. And with iron being an excellent conductor, any heat transferred will be spread throughout the body more quickly than it can be absorbed.
If it disintegrated in the lower atmosphere it wouldn’t matter that the air got thinner in the upper atmosphere.
True, but it’s not like there’s a line. Atmospheric density is a decreasing gradient from the ground to the Karman Line. So as it approaches its mechanical and physical limits, the amount of energy acting upon it decreases millisecond by millisecond. Is that enough to save it? Shrug. Not enough data. But it’s possible.
Is a metre the original size, or the final size? [of the meteorite chunk]
Actually it’s almost three meters, and as far as we can guess that was about its original size. Though in fairness, it was entering the atmosphere at a steeper angle and may even have come down entirely in “dark flight.” Still, there are other large meteorites which have impacted at a size greater than 1 meter across, though obviously we have no way to confirm exactly how big they were before they landed.
Rather than getting slowed down initially by the thin upper atmosphere and then only hitting the thick atmosphere once they’re slower, they start out in the thickest atmosphere. […] Something in a thicker medium is going to experience more stress. Try pushing a cracker through the air vs. through water vs. through gelatin. Which medium will cause the cracker to crack first? Obviously it’s the thicker medium.
True! But remember, the “reverse meteor” (great phrase, btw) is not hitting the stationary atmosphere at full speed like a regular meteor (or space capsule) does. The iron plug accelerated (incredibly quickly, but it did accelerate) while already in contact with the air above it. This means that the air accelerated at the same rate the iron did, reducing the fracture forces that would seek to crack it. Imagine the difference between swishing your hand in a swimming pool vs. slapping the surface of a swimming pool; it may require more force, but it won’t hurt as badly.
OTOH, a meteor is a random collection of rock and metal formed by gravity in space. A pure metal plug cast on Earth is probably going to be a lot less prone to breaking apart.
Oh, great point, and one I hadn’t thought about. Something that’s an aggregate of 80% iron and 20% “other stuff” isn’t going to have nearly as much tensile strength as a homogeneous plate of iron.
- Comment on Am I a bad person if (as left as they come) I invest in American Private Prison contractors on the assumption that Trump will go through with his deportation scheme at least to some extent? 3 months ago:
So first, you need to know that the definition of “genocide” is larger than you probably think.
The 1948 Genocide Convention defines genocide as any of five “acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group”. The acts in question include killing members of the group, causing them serious bodily or mental harm, imposing living conditions intended to destroy the group, preventing births, and forcibly transferring children out of the group.
Emphasis mine.
Second, hastily-built private prisons constructed for the purpose of keeping a group that has committed no crime in one place long enough to “dispose of” them? They also have a technical term: a concentration camp. If they’re also performing work, they’re a labor camp.
So what Trump wants to do with Latiné folks is a form of genocide.
Third, there are multiple levels of supporting a genocide, from being a member of the society that created the out-group, all the way up through pulling people from that out-group from their homes. Somewhere in the middle of that list is “voluntarily providing aid to those committing the genocide.”
Fourth, each level of support bears a different culpability, and each individual within the levels bears a different culpability based on their knowledge and understanding of what’s happening, their intentional decision to participate or not, and the amount of protest they raise at the treatment of the out-group.
So, knowing all of this, where would you put such a decision?
- Comment on YEET 3 months ago:
For one thing, the Apollo shield started in the very thin upper atmosphere, and they came in at an angle that meant they bled off as much speed/energy as possible in that thin upper atmosphere before going into the thicker atmosphere.
I don’t know that that makes a huge difference to the physics involved, though it certainly may have.
In fact, one of the engineers said that if they came in too steep they’d generate too much heat and probably not survive the re-entry.
But in that case we’re talking about human survivability, and a chunk of solid iron is going to survive a whole lot longer than humans or delicate instrumentation. It might look a little worse for the wear, but it’s much more likely to be recognizable after the whole experience than anything designed for people.
The layer of air you’re talking about at the front of the spacecraft was what heated up the heat shield. Instead of causing heating via friction, the heat was the result of compressing the air.
But after initial heating, the air cushion begins heating itself up instead of the object, reducing the amount of heat the object receives.
The amount of compression you’re talking about would be orders of magnitude higher for something starting at 40 km/s in the thick lower atmosphere.
But it would also tail off as the bore cap heated, reducing stresses on it as it went higher.
Also, the Apollo heat shield did heat up to 5000F or 2800C but was designed to be ablative, so that the hot layers burned off and flew off to the sides leaving new material to be heated up and burned off.
True, but on the other hand the a Apollo heat shield wasn’t designed to convect heat to other parts of itself. And again, it had a much harder job (keep the Apollo command module at human-survivable temperatures) than the bore cap (not reach the boiling point of iron).
This concrete and metal plug wouldn’t have been designed the same way. Concrete apparently melts at 1200C, and steel is approximately the same, so it’s very likely some of it melted or vaporized, the question is how much.
All the stuff I read only mentioned the iron, but keep in mind that it has to not only reach the melting point but also undergo phase change, which requires a lot more energy.
I don’t know where you’re getting the maximum of 22MJ of energy.
11 kJ per m² per second was the peak amount of energy that the Apollo heat shield encountered. Double that for the approximately two seconds it would’ve been in atmosphere, and it’s a pretty handy approximation since the bore cap was about a meter itself.
The whole point of Apollo not going directly into the atmosphere was to take as long as possible to slow down, going through the thinnest part of the atmosphere for as long as possible. […] One reasonable first approximation of the energy would be to integrate the entire energy per second / power for Apollo’s re-entry over the entire 7 minutes (or however long it took until parachutes deployed) and then divide that energy by 2 for the 2 seconds the plug was in the atmosphere.
You’re right, the total amount would’ve been a way better approximation than the peak. Worth looking into.
My guess is that that would have been temperatures well in excess of 1200C which would have made the outer surface start to melt, and most likely a temperature where it just turns to plasma.
I don’t have any argument with that. I think the outer surface would definitely have begun to melt.
Would it all have melted / vaporized / plasmafied away? I don’t know, it’s a huge plug.
Yep. Even just considering the amount of time it would take for the heat to excite all the molecules in the massive chunk of iron, and then for them all to undergo phase change, I just don’t think it could’ve made it.
Since it was launched vertically, anything remaining would probably have come right back down. But, that’s assuming it stayed in one piece. I’m guessing it broke apart due to the stresses on it, and breaking apart would have meant more surface area, which would have meant more areas exposed to massive heating, which would have meant more breaking apart.
That’s something I couldn’t find information on: is iron’s tensile strength high enough to prevent the thing shattering apart on contact with air? I’m inclined to think it is—chunks of meteorites bigger than a meter have made it through the atmosphere, for instance. The Hoba meteorite is estimated to only be slightly bigger than it is now before its atmospheric entry, and it’s way bigger than the bore cap. Similar composition, too.
TL;DR: I doubt it made it out of the atmosphere.
Either way, I like researching it.
- Comment on YEET 3 months ago:
I’m not so sure.
Let’s compare with the Apollo Command Module heat shield, a remarkably close analogue for the bore cap. They’re a similar weight (3,000 lb for the heat shield, 2,000 lb for the bore cap) and have melting points within an order of magnitude of each other (5,000°F for the AVCOAT heat shield and about 2,800°F for the iron bore cap). They’re even both of a similar shape and aerodynamic profile (disc-shaped and blunt). Both had to travel 62 miles (the distance from sea level to the Karman Line, where atmosphere becomes negligible).
The Apollo CM made that distance in about seven minutes; at 130,000mph, the Pascal B bore cap took at most 1.72 seconds to make the trip.
What was discovered during the development of the Apollo heat shield is that the blunt shape caused a layer of air to build up in front of the spacecraft, which reduced the amount of heating that convected into the heat shield directly. This reduced the amount of heat load that the heat shield needed to bear up under.
Further, it’s also worth noting that the Apollo command modules weren’t tumbling, which the bore cap likely would have been, allowing brief instants during its ascent for the metal to cool before being subjected again to the heat of the ascent.
But probably most critical at all is the remarkably brief amount of time that the bore cap spent in atmosphere. This person did the math on how much power it would take to vaporize a cubic meter of iron, and the answer is 25,895,319 kJ. Now, the bore cap isn’t quite a cubic meter, but we can use all of his calculations and just swap in 907kg (2000lbs):
To heat the bore cap to iron’s melting point: 0.46 kJ/kg * 907 kg * (1808K-298K) = 630,002 kJ
To phase change the iron from solid to liquid: 69.1 KJ/kg * 907 kg = 62,674 kJ
To heat the bore cap to iron’s boiling point: 0.82 kJ/kg * 907 kg * (3023K-1808K) = 903,644 kJ
To phase change the iron from liquid to gas: 1520 kJ/kg * 907 kg = 1,378,649 kJ
So, in total, 2,974,969 kJ. The Apollo heat shield encountered a peak of 11,000 kJ/m^2/s. Since the Pascal B bore cap was about a meter in diameter and was traveling through the atmosphere for about two seconds, we can very neatly estimate that it absorbed a maximum of 22,000 kJ due to atmospheric compression–not even close to enough to get it to melting temperature.
Interestingly, early missiles actually did use solid metal heat shields; not iron, but titanium, beryllium, and copper. They were effective, but abandoned due to their weight.
- Comment on Shape of the Heart 3 months ago:
🎵 And no one’s gonna bend or break me 🎵