- Comment on Will That Asteroid Strike Earth? Risk Level Rises to Highest Ever Recorded. 2 days ago:
United States checking in: a giant asteroid sounds quite nice about now.
- Comment on Sorry 1 week ago:
- Comment on Why do smokers specifically seem to be disproportionally bad for littering? 3 weeks ago:
You’ve gotta strip it first. When my buddy came back from the military he taught to roll it around in the fingers until the remaining tobacco falls out, then the trash goes into the pocket until a bin is found.
Although, there’s not a class on that at all. I did my fair share of littering as a smoker. I still feel shit about it, which is why I bring my picker upper stick and an empty bucket with me on walks. It comes back full every time. Water bottles everywhere.
- Comment on Jake Gyllenhaal To Star In New Original Film From M. Night Shyamalan And Nicholas Sparks 3 weeks ago:
Shyamalan and Sparks are two names I didn’t expect to hear together. This should be interesting.
- Comment on We got several more inches of snow last night after getting over seven a few days ago. I went to my local newspaper's website to find out if there was anything I should know. This was their top story. 5 weeks ago:
I used to dispatch roadside assistance, and in certain winter weather when there’s a driving ban – if you break down or slide off the road, no one is coming for you. Tow trucks won’t drive, and often the police themselves won’t even drive out.
You were right to check, or try to at least.
- Comment on Trump Is Sentenced in N.Y. Hush-Money Case and Will Avoid Jail: Live Updates 5 weeks ago:
Become the avatar of an oligarchy.
- Comment on Should we be worried that my joke from 5 years ago has been relevant at any given time for the past 5 years? 1 month ago:
No, houses are flammable too. They’re surrounded by invasive and extremely flammable eucalyptus trees.
- Comment on Should we be worried that my joke from 5 years ago has been relevant at any given time for the past 5 years? 1 month ago:
The main reason for the fires in Australia were eucalyptus trees. Eucalyptus trees are foreign California. They were brought over by Australians. The fires aren’t California’s fault.
- Comment on DC Scrambles To Remove 'City Ads' Calling Trump Supporters 'Trash' 1 month ago:
When the legislative, judicial and executive branches hide and ignore the truth it’s not just our right, but our duty as citizens to proclaim tumultuously.
- Comment on Good morning it's very cold so let's make some soup. 2 months ago:
The human torch.
- Comment on Where do people dance? 2 months ago:
You can dance if you want to. You can leave your friends behind, cause if your friends don’t want to dance then they ain’t no friends of mine.
- Comment on Pass the football 2 months ago:
The lead paint generation took the reins.
- Comment on For when it gets real 2 months ago:
Would a jackhammer work?
- Comment on Anon thinks the French are posers 2 months ago:
The French deserve some respect. Want to know what a true strike or protest look like, look to the French.
- Comment on The 51 Percent: "Feminism is about taking power away from men" 2 months ago:
It’s worth a shot. Look what we’ve done to the place.
- Comment on Dogma at 25: How a controversial Catholic comedy became practically impossible to see 3 months ago:
- Comment on Anon doesn't tip 3 months ago:
To insure proper service. Congratulations, everyone at the joint now knows your face and that you’re cheap.
You’ll get the worst service imaginable.
- Comment on Memes aren't always funny. 3 months ago:
It’s the first politically based meme I’ve laughed at since the results came in. Thanks, I needed that.
- Comment on I'm not worried you're worried 3 months ago: speaks for itself.
- Comment on Automated switchboard 3 months ago:
Press 0.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
When I became a man I put away childish things.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
Is English your native language?
- Comment on How come people who are against abortion are in favor of the death penalty? Kind of seems like a contradicition/ 3 months ago:
- Momma’s threat “I brought you into this world and I can take you out of it” hits harder.
- Comment on Is American politics really as seemingly satirical of itself as it is portrayed? 3 months ago:
Just assume the possibility that this is partly a show, in order to make people underestimate him
This is a man that ran a casino into the ground. A man who has 6 bankruptcies and 34 felonies under his extensive belt.
He might just be that dumb.
- Comment on Why did my bus driver want me to not pay the fare and instead just "TAKE A SEAT!!!" 4 months ago:
Posted a minute before this one. Nice catch.
- Comment on Britons ‘healthier than Americans’ but more likely to doubt health, study finds 4 months ago:
healthier than Americans
Is it limbo night? That’s an awfully low bar you’ve got there.
- Comment on Anon gets a haircut 4 months ago:
Setting out the wardrobe for the day would be helpful too.
- Comment on Anon has a discord gf 5 months ago:
Steal her boyfriend.
- Comment on Blue Protocol's western release has been cancelled and its Japanese servers will shut down early next year 5 months ago:
Blue Protocol seemed to be following closely in the footsteps of Genshin Impact, with a world of blue skies, green grass, and Breath Of The Wild-style enemies to bash through action-RPG combat.
Another live service game trying to cash in on the success of it’s predecessors. Another fail.
- Comment on Ballaholic I'm guessing 5 months ago:
b4 That’s a bingo!