- Comment on Maybe, just maybe, a company that refuses to give you time off if you have a bullet inside of you is a really really shitty company 2 weeks ago:
weird there aren’t more Mario bros around in the US.
Give it a little more time. When the militia folks realize that they have been had they won’t be happy.
- Comment on what unbiased media sources do you use? 2 weeks ago:
All corporate news has been moved to the right, even NPR. For all practical purposes, local news has been eliminated. Local news formed the basis for trust and truth. Getting you news at a local ground level creates trust - you may know the reporter or you kids go to school with his kids. There is nothing wrong with news bias if you have sources that you can trust to report the truth and not omit critical information. That said, seek out and listen to people like Timothy Snyder, who have important messages. Here’s a clip of him talking about how the internet has changed and corrupted our news and views.
I like listening to Belle of the Ranch, because she succinctly explains important topics that the MSM does not - note she does present views from a more leftist angle.
Steve Shives is a Youtuber does not report the news but offers opinion that might inspire you to do further research. Finding good reliable news sources takes work, while junk news is cheap, readily available and detrimental to you. - Comment on If the US dissolves for whatever reason and goes into a state of anarchy what would happen to the rest of the world? 1 month ago:
Stay tune. We are headed that way.
- Comment on I am a very liberal person and I have very liberal children, except for one. I'm pretty sure my Gen Z son has been taken in by fascist doctrine. What can I get him for Christmas? 1 month ago:
Love will conquer all the hatred
Not only that, but the hatred on the right will consume them. Sit back, lay low, don’t participate and let the fools burn themselves. Opposition will only give them targets to blame for their failures.
- Comment on Black mold growing on the dispensers at my local McDonald's 4 months ago:
Toxic black mold is a greenish-black gelatinous mold. It is not really black. Mold is not healthy and some people have severe negative reactions to regular black molds though.
- Comment on Illegal voting by noncitizens is rare, yet Republicans are making it a major issue this election 4 months ago:
And the chuds will eat it up.
Really feel sorry for the orange cult folks. They are incredibly ignorant and gullible to the point of being their own worst enemy. Demons will gather up their souls one day because nothing else tolerates such filth.
- Comment on Why is Kamala Harris being held at such a higher standard than Trump this election? 4 months ago:
Well, yeah, thanks to Fox entertainment.
- Comment on Every part of the foxglove is poisonous. It'll literally stop your heart. 5 months ago:
Wouldn’t do it because it could be deadly due to the ricin in it.
- Comment on why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out. 6 months ago:
holding your nose and voting for him anyway
Funny, because Joe Biden’s policies are popular with Democrats AND Republicans. The MSM, one the other hand, seems to believe everyone wants a dictatorship so they are attacking Joe Biden for bullshit reasons. Make no mistake, the right will seize power and end your freedom.
- Comment on So is Israel just going to finish Palestine off? 6 months ago:
Down-voted with deep regrets. A vote for Sanders, no matter how good he would be, is a vote to let Netanyahu “finish the job” in 2024.
The path to your goal is to vote progressives down ballot and really support them until they rise to congressional level where they can actually create change. Until then, vote for the candidate who has the best chance of winning and gets you closest to you goals. Beware, the trolls want to create division so their guy can walk right in. - Comment on Apples to Apples 7 months ago:
Apple grafting is incredibly easy and cheap. All you need is a bit of knowledge, a utility knife, cheap flagging tape and ordinary waterproof wood glue. Planning to procure scions and watching for the bark slip is necessary - usually right around when buds start to break. My first graft was successful. Now I graft all the time. Peaches were a problem for me until I learned that they must be grafted after blossoms drop - usually later than ideal apple grafting time.
- Comment on Everyday, as an American 7 months ago:
We should have gone metric in the 70s. This year will be the 45th anniversary of the Metric Conversion Act, which was signed on December 23, 1975, by President Gerald R. Ford. You may have even seen a map that has been incriminatingly illustrated to show how they are out of step with the rest of the world. It’s a compelling story and often repeated, but you might be surprised to learn that it’s simply untrue!
- Comment on Problem solved ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ 7 months ago:
Dandelion leaves can be bitter but some people actually cannot taste bitter. One way to reduce the bitter taste is to pick the youngest and fastest growing leaves out of direct sunlight, as sun exposure increases bitterness.
- Comment on Problem solved ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ 7 months ago:
You can make Dandelion wine, coffee, dandelion salve, dandelion syrup, dye your clothes and eat them, to mention a few uses. - maybe he should sell them.
- Comment on Why is a 1930's German military march song (Erika) suddenly showing up all over my non-fediverse social media? 7 months ago:
Same game plan too. The wealthy and wanna-be wealthy feed lies to the unlearned to make them fear and hate then get them to murder. Be prepared.
- Comment on How come liberals dont hate conservatives the way conservatives hate liberals 8 months ago:
Conservatives approach things very differently. They tend to blame and make excuses whereas liberals tend to treat the problem and look for solutions in models of success. For example, little Suzie gets her hand caught in the car door. A conservatives would typically blame her or her little brother. A liberal would likely treat the injury and try to set rules to prevent it from happening again.
Another example, Donald Von ShitzInPantz wears diapers. The right hates it when they can’t weasel out of a fact so they defend it, embrace it as normal even desirable instead of accepting there is a problem. If that was Biden he would be hatefully ridiculed, (blamed) to no end by conservatives.
Conservatives assume blame, (hate) is the solution. Liberals fit a solution to the problem. There is conflict because of the way they approach a problem and blame, (hate) is the conservative solution. - Comment on If presidential immunity is absolute.. 8 months ago:
I do have hope that most people would refuse to carry out such orders
Most wouldn’t but most of the cult definitely would - refer to Charles Manson.
- Comment on What's a small cleared space in a forest where people can live called? 8 months ago:
In the most general sense, a glade or clearing is an open area within a forest.
- Comment on What will happen to large companies once poor people have no more money to use? 9 months ago:
Well the young people in China have taken to “lying flat”.
- Comment on 4202 g 1 year ago:
Growth hormones in your food - what could go wrong?
- Comment on A genre of Country Music... 1 year ago:
Pronounced, Cunt- tree
- Comment on A genre of Country Music... 1 year ago:
I was going with Elon Blues
- Comment on Jesse is smarter than what we give him credit for. 1 year ago:
The thirteen month calendar is called the International Fixed Calendar. George Eastman instituted its use at the Eastman Kodak Company back in 1928, and it was used there until 1989.
- Comment on I've been wondering for some time 1 year ago:
Well that, and the wealthy have seized control of the MSM to propagandize the working class into believing that the rich alone can save them. Since the money holder always, “need a little more”, they gravitate to fascism which promises them “a little more”.