- Comment on BioWare veterans confirm they were laid off by EA, including senior Dragon Age and Mass Effect devs 3 weeks ago:
Couldn’t you just add up the germs found in successive swabs to the total and increase the total count with each test?
(I assume you have certain testing and evaluation standards you’re bound to, so that’s a “No”, but I like the idea of the results getting worse rather than better)
What would newer equipment do differently to make it less prone to hygiene issues?
- Comment on BioWare veterans confirm they were laid off by EA, including senior Dragon Age and Mass Effect devs 4 weeks ago:
What, can’t you just… idk, check better to see how clean it actually is? That can’t be right, you probably got your samples contaminated. Were those really from that machine? Maybe you got them mixed up. Well you’re really itching to find contaminants, aren’t you? Of course you’ll find something if you look hard enough…
I don’t know how your business works, so I’m trying to project the managers I know onto it - am I so far off that I look like a manager?
- Comment on BioWare veterans confirm they were laid off by EA, including senior Dragon Age and Mass Effect devs 4 weeks ago:
As a Data Analyst / Business Analyst, let me assure you: Not all of us are stupid (some are, for sure), but there’s only so much you can do about stupid managers. If they decide that a certain measure is key, it can be really hard to explain why it isn’t that important or where a certain distortion comes from. To compound this, some managers genuinely don’t understand their business processes and are unwilling to have it explained to them. They’ll make assumptions about how things work, then base their demands on those.
For an entirely made up example, consider a department manager looking to monitor a software development team’s workload. That workload, to them, consists of bug tickets and feature implementations. Not counted here are feature requests because, apparently, fielding them and discussing their feasibility isn’t actual development work. That’s management work, which is the Product Manager’s job… Except the Product Manager can’t unilaterally decide whether something is feasible without consulting those actually familiar with the code, taking up the developer’s time. On the other hand, since it’s an internally developed tool for other units, they can’t just say No to every request or else they risk people calling their team’s funding into question.
Now, you have the choice between frustrating yourself and annoying the manager by trying to explain all that, or gritting your teeth and just giving them the stupid chart on bugs closed and feature implementations completed over time. Guess which one is healthier for your employment prospects?
And we haven’t even started talking about the variance in effort of bug fixes or about non-feature work for code stability or QA. Eventually, we’ll reach the point where the measure becomes a target and you have to start reframing bug fixes as features and splitting features up into smaller features just to make the figures look nicer.
What I’m getting at is this: Sometimes, the analysts aren’t to blame, but the managers making decisions.
That’s not to say there aren’t absolutely shitty business analysts out there that will gladly figure out ways to polish the figures and then cash the check for making the figures look better.
- Comment on This one is going to be controversial 5 weeks ago:
So I’m allowed to like moist pineapple pizza?
- Comment on It's a good group! 5 weeks ago:
The very premise is “everything is fucked up, trapped in the low equilibrium of the Prisoner’s dilemma where no faction can genuinely rise above because the others will take advantage”. The Imperium of Man, aka Catholic Space Nazis, are part of that. Other parts are the “Torture like your life depends on it, because it does” Dark Elves, the “If I stop fighting and slaughtering, I get a terrible headache” World Eaters, the “we infect people with brainwashing worms so they sabotage planetary defenses before calling our massive murderbug army to devour all life” Tyranids and plenty more pleasantries.
But the players don’t share the values of the faction the pretty plastic pieces they play with represent. Well, most of them.
(Good guys, by some definition, exist, but they’re usually just good when compared to their peers, not to our moralic values. Lobotomised cyborg slaves and casual speciesism are still par for the course even for those good guys.)
- Comment on Based Red Dead 1 month ago:
“viewed as people” is meaningless unless it confers some special rights afforded to people.
White slaves didn’t have any more rights than black slaves, largely because skin-color based distinction is a rather modern invention (compared to the institution of slavery) and the defining traits of both black and white slaves were that they’re slaves. And slaves were universally treated poorly. Even the most benevolent slave owners in antiquity were cruel, because why wouldn’t you be? The damn thing might start getting uppity if you didn’t remind it you’re in control. Just imagine it might cause damage to someone else, and you’d be dragged to court over it!
A crime against your slave was a crime against your household (assuming you’re the head of the household), which you were entitled to drag the other party to court for. But there was literally no legal framework that would allow any kind of prosecution for anything you did to your own household. You could also beat them, kill them, rape them, literally anything. They had no defense. The only person empowered to prosecute on their behalf would be the one beating them.
So no, “white people that were slaves” weren’t people in any meaningful sense, because oppression and supremacy in much of the pre-modern world didn’t care about skin color. The romanticism around white slavery is bullshit, because owning other humans has never been anything but cruel.
- Comment on Anon is a gamer 1 month ago:
Devs also need to consider forcing on tooltips during the tutorial.
I disagree. I think devs need to work on making tutorials more appealing to go through instead or obnoxious game-freezing pop-ups while gamers nurture a culture of actually paying attention to the tutorials in case there’s stuff you didn’t know.
“I don’t wanna read all that, I know how it all works” - “This game is so stupid because I don’t get what I’m supposed to do” is a common pipeline, and I think it needs fixing on both ends, but forcing text on players isn’t a good idea.
- Comment on Bazzite the popular SteamOS-like Linux gets NVIDIA support in Beta 1 month ago:
because you don’t like a word
I have no issue with the word, but with the spiteful mentality of “the more people suggest I change it, the less I want to”.
- Comment on Bazzite the popular SteamOS-like Linux gets NVIDIA support in Beta 1 month ago:
Yeah, and if you click enough links on Wikipedia you always wind up at logic, math, or philosophy. At some point, you are going to have to read new words to learn new things. And it will get increasingly technical as you go deeper.
Provided you’re willing to dig deep, yes, but Wikipedia usually offers a summary of the term at the top. In the event, I found Wikipedia’s explanation of cloud native much more useful than the link to the ublue page about it, or the CNCF’s definition.
Scaring folks away to seek out another distro where they will almost certainly have to learn more to get started is hurting your stated cause.
I don’t have an accurate sense of how much you’d have to learn about bazzite, so I’ll have trust you on this when it comes to the usage. I personally didn’t have difficulties with other distros, but I’m also not entirely new to the OS world, so my experience may be skewed.
My proximate issue is the pitch, the entry point, the first impression. Evidently, there are people who come across that term and worry that it may mean what “cloud” in many other contexts means: “Your data is somewhere else you have no control over.” And how would they know they’re wrong? If they click on the link, they’re faced with a stack of technical terms they might not understand. Even if they concluded that nothing explicitly says their system will be running in the cloud, how could they trust that conclusion built on unknowns?That insecurity creates an entry barrier for those looking at the website, the impact of which we can’t measure, but that doesn’t have to mean it’s negligible.
The underlying issue, however, is the philosophy behind doubling down on that. If you’re faced with evidence of misunderstandings, people pointing out that barrier, and make a point of not just ignoring it but explicitly saying “Now I want to keep that barrier even more”, that speaks to a mindset that I personally am strongly opposed to. Handing people guides and saying “here, climb over that barrier on your own” doesn’t fully mitigate that.
Hence, in absence of personal experience on the usage, I’ll argue from a position of principle. It’s not a mindset I want to endorse, and so I attempt to steer people away from what I perceived as a higher barrier of entry.
The Bazzite homepage also makes numerous references to it being “installable on all your favorite devices” so it becomes quickly apparent to most folks that it isn’t hosted “in the cloud”.
Thin clients connected to some cloud-hosted VM are also installable on many devices. Microsoft 365 is available as apps, but still runs in the cloud (but it doesn’t even pitch that, it just says “all in one place” - the mention of cloud is further down the page, after some other feature pitches). How would I know “native” doesn’t mean “lives in the cloud”? It wouldn’t be the first time marketing fudges terms.
And again, I advise against making assumptions about what becomes apparent to most folks. Most folks aren’t confident in their technical understanding and may err on the side of caution. I’ve tried guiding people through the simplest things, and if there was one detail they weren’t sure they understood, the immediate response was to abort the process for fear of breaking something. A message box pops up and they panic “Aaah what’s happening, what does that mean” because they don’t trust their understanding. I’ve watched people click on some explanation, get confused at some term and resort to fleeing the page back to things they know better…
I get that you don’t like the term cloud native image
I have no issue with the term. Technical terms are useful in their respective technical contexts, where people know what they’re a shorthand for. If I talk to a data analyst, I’ll use the term DFM. If I talk to a database engineer, I might use the term denormalisation. But if I talk to a sales manager and use either of those, they’ll stare at me blankly. And that’s what I dislike: Using the term in a context where I feel it’s out of place and is known to cause confusion.
really a very small piece of a very user friendly pie
…but may well be the first piece they taste.
But like I said, my issue isn’t with the piece of pie, but the baking practice: “The more people tell me they don’t like raisins, the more I want to add raisins to spite them.” Their pie may otherwise be delicious, but I still wouldn’t recommend that baker.
To put a line under all this, I might give Bazzite a try myself, see how I get along with it, but that won’t change the fact that I find such a spiteful mentality unfit for recommendation.
I believe in the value of user-friendly presentation, not just systems, because the presentation matters to many users. I also believe that the Linux community at large should present itself more helpful and user-friendly, and comments like the one that sparked the thread don’t help that image.
I want to see the Linux ecosystem grow, and I believe that requires a willingness to cater to the least technical users as well. Yes, some amount of learning will be inevitable, but the first contact at least should welcome users as simply and comfortably as possible.
And as a side effect, being more willing to explain and help each other will also help the rest of us. Spite and elitism don’t help anyone.
- Comment on Bazzite the popular SteamOS-like Linux gets NVIDIA support in Beta 1 month ago:
You mean the link that aays
Universal Blue rests on the idea of bringing cloud native patterns to the operating system. We leverage standard cloud tools like the OCI standard images, Docker/Podman, and GitHub to build our images.
and assumes those terms already mean something to you? Oh wait, cloud native is a link again let’s see…
CNCF is the open source, vendor-neutral hub of cloud native computing, hosting projects like Kubernetes and Prometheus to make cloud native universal and sustainable.
Great! Two more technical terms! Oh, there’s another text further down the page.
As part of the Linux Foundation, we provide support, oversight and direction for fast-growing, cloud native projects, including Kubernetes, Envoy, and Prometheus.
Nope, still no explanation, but we’ve got another link, this time to an actual definition:
Cloud native practices empower organizations to develop, build, and deploy workloads in computing environments (public, private, hybrid cloud) to meet their organizational needs at scale in a programmatic and repeatable manner. It is characterized by loosely coupled systems that interoperate in a manner that is secure, resilient, manageable, sustainable, and observable.
Cloud native technologies and architectures typically consist of some combination of containers, service meshes, multi-tenancy, microservices, immutable infrastructure, serverless, and declarative APIs — this list is non-exhaustive.
Aaaand it’s another wall of technical terms.
What is “easy to understand” about this, unless you’re already familiar enough with that specific technical field that it really isn’t an issue in the first place? A definition directed at experts is no explanation, and hitting a reader with a wall of terms they don’t even know how to classify, let alone understand, isn’t very accessible.
And on that note, you said you couldn’t find a definition of Atomic on Fedora’s site… So I clicked just one link from your posted link there and found this.
Sorry, I didn’t think I’d have to “Get started” on a particular distro to find a note on what the whole “atomic” thing they advertise is about. Wouldn’t have killed them to put that paragraph on the previous page already, just a small note at the top, to explain the selling point they’re using.
Linux is going to have a LOT of terms a new user will have to learn. The idea of a cloud native image may cause a misconception, but no more so than any of the other myriad terms a new user will have to learn.
That’s an issue I’ve complained about before: The entry barrier is too high still. People shouldn’t have to learn a lot of new terms, if at all possible. In that vein, it’s better to start out with distros that require less learning, and if the interest grips you, start learning and exploring from there.
But if you have to learn terms, it should be ordered from most fundamental and universal to most specific, and I’d put “cloud native” in the back half of that spectrum. You’ll need to know what a file system is, for instance, may need to learn the term distro / distribution and many more, but for the immediate operation of a system, you don’t need to know what OCI, Docker, Podman, Kubernetes, Prometheus, deploying, workloads or “loosely coupled systems that interoperate in a manner that is secure, resilient, manageable, sustainable, and observable” mean.
So I genuinely do recommend starting out with something less laden with technical terms, and working your way up from there. I started out with Ubuntu, now I’m using Nobara and plan to use my old spare drive to try some other flavours like Silverblue. It’s not that I don’t think the learning isn’t worth it, it’s just that it shouldn’t be frontloaded.
I read your posted argument from earlier, and I want to believe you when you argue your goal is to push for Linux to be more accessible. But the reality of your arguments seem to tell a different story. You seem more interested in dying on a pointless hills while dissuading interested converts from trying what is one of the most stable and user friendly distros I’ve ever tried.
My gripe with Bazzite isn’t whether it’s user friendly, but whether its maintainers are. The founder made a point of telling people “the more I see this whining the more I want to keep it on the website”, because it’s an accurate definition, no matter how useless. I like reasonable discussion, I can accept personal disagreement, but what I’m seeing here is a user providing a prime example of the confusion the word causes and the founder replying to the effect of “now I want to use it even more”.
That’s the exact opposite of accessibility. That’s someone saying “By the way, this is a barrier” and getting the reply “Yes, and people complaining about it makes me want to keep it.” It’s not even “Sorry, this can’t be helped” so much as “I want this barrier to be there” for no good reason.
So that is a hill I will fight on, not because of the specific term but because of the culture behind it that plagues the tech sphere at large. We’re building walls of technical understanding requirements instead of bridges of explanations. Some walls are reasonable, some necessary, some harmless. Some gaps are too wide for a single bridge to cross, so you’ll need to take a detour over other concepts. But building walls out of spite, along with (not represented here, but also common) scoffing at those looking to build bridges or telling people looking for entry “just scale the wall”, are communication culture issues that serve to isolate rather than integrate.
- Comment on Bazzite the popular SteamOS-like Linux gets NVIDIA support in Beta 1 month ago:
Cloud native is the end product too.
What bearing does it have on use of the end product? If I am a German Native, but move to France, and someone asks me where I live, what difference does it make whether I’m German Native?
Bazzite isn’t cloud based in the sense of “runs in the cloud”. If you install it on your computer, it runs on your computer. It’s not a cloud resident, in the sense of that analogy, no matter whether it was born there.
Unless it does, in which case it would seem that the term isn’t quite so clear as you think.
I don’t care about your issue with the definition of an already defined word.
My issue isn’t with the definition, but with the implicit assumption that it’s well known or easy to understand, as well as the way it is used. We had that discussion over in the other thread already, but the gist of your replies has always been “I don’t care if the term is useless or can be misunderstood. It’s correct, so it stays.” That stance is my issue.
- Comment on Bazzite the popular SteamOS-like Linux gets NVIDIA support in Beta 1 month ago:
I advise against using Bazzite as a Windows convert, unless you’re happy to do a lot of reading to understand what you’re actually signing up for. The founder doesn’t really care about Windows Gamers (or anyone outside of the professional linux world), according to a comment they made earlier today in response to criticism of the description “cloud native”.
To save you a click, the conversation was about the description of Bazzite as “cloud native” on the bazzite homepage* can be confusing or even misleading for people who assume it means “will run in the cloud”. The founder explicitly commented they’ll keep doubling down on the term until people no longer complain about it.
Their argument was that there is an entire foundation for Cloud Native Computing and that the concept is “an incredibly common thing in any professional paid Linux job.” They understand that Windows Gamers in particular might have the aforementioned misconception, but they don’t care if you get it.
That doesn’t necessarily make Bazzite a bad distro, but I’d be wary about the level of assistance you can expect from people who think that a technical word soup featuring terms like “build our images” and “deploying Linux environments to users” is enough to explain that “cloud native” actually just means the development process and the end product has nothing to do with the cloud.
*Specifically, the homepage’s text opens with:
“Bazzite is a cloud native image built upon Fedora Atomic Desktops that brings the best of Linux gaming to all of your devices - including your favorite handheld.”
I don’t know why they’d lead with the development method, rather than describing what the OS actually does, but apparently that’s what they care most about.As an aside, I don’t see any obvious description what “atomic” means on the Fedora Atomic site either.
- Comment on Go into debt if you have to 1 month ago:
And then draw the rest of the fucking owl
- Comment on Doom on a CAPTCHA is the most frustrating though admittedly raddest way to prove your humanity to an algorithm 1 month ago:
Actually, can we do that IRL?
- Comment on Anons make the worst game ever 2 months ago:
Nah, not 100, that’s too convenient a number. Make it something weird like 97 or 143 or whatever non-intuitive option. Have someone hint about 90% in that you’ll want “all” the rings, but prior to that final quest, nobody tells you how many there are, so you’ll be at 97 searching for the last three and going nuts.
Of course, the achievement isn’t for finding, but for delivering all of them and only triggers when you’re handing them over, otherwise you might know ahead of time that you’ve got them all.
- Comment on Anons make the worst game ever 2 months ago:
- Comment on Anon buys laxatives 2 months ago:
Maybe because it’s 4chan?
- Comment on I'm pretty sure all of us have given up on any boomer giving us anything anyway 2 months ago:
It’s a valid thing to point out, important even to add context and nuance. I can’t know whether my point gets across right unless someone tells me, and I’d rather have someone point out where I could be misunderstood.
Have a nice week!
- Comment on I'm pretty sure all of us have given up on any boomer giving us anything anyway 2 months ago:
I was tired of being reminded I was broken in some ways.
I grew up strongly religious. There’s only so much “You’re a dirty sinner and all your suffering is God’s plan” you can take. I think I know how you feel.
his 14th heart attack
Damn, even Death really didn’t want him, huh?
They never met him. I just couldn’t bring myself to introduce them to the old school hate.
I think that’s the right choice. I wish the best for ypu and yours.
- Comment on I'm pretty sure all of us have given up on any boomer giving us anything anyway 2 months ago:
I think you missed the “despite all his efforts” - I’m trying to make a backhanded defense, along the lines of “You were a shit parent, but hey, your kid was alright, so I guess you failed”, but I phrased it awkwardly.
I very much know your position though. Someone close to me had a similar issue with their parent, who forced them to become self-reliant since the parent in question was neglectful at best.
- Comment on I'm pretty sure all of us have given up on any boomer giving us anything anyway 2 months ago:
Uhhhh at least… they…
nah, I got nothing. I can’t even muster a sarcastic backhanded defense for poor foster parents. Fuck that guy, and I’m glad you turned out well despite him.
- Comment on I'm pretty sure all of us have given up on any boomer giving us anything anyway 2 months ago:
Yeah, you’re right, the phrasing was awkward - the “despite his best efforts” was an attempt to subvert that sentence, but I guess it didn’t land.
- Comment on I'm pretty sure all of us have given up on any boomer giving us anything anyway 2 months ago:
Oh no, I’m not saying he did good. I’m saying he failed to do bad.
- Comment on I'm pretty sure all of us have given up on any boomer giving us anything anyway 2 months ago:
Well, at least he fathered a decent kid, it seems. I don’t think it was his intention for you to turn out so decent, so I wouldn’t give him credit for that, but I guess he did something right despite all his efforts.
- Comment on how badly could a pelican fuck me up in a fight? 2 months ago:
Why is this comment section full of people ridiculing the question in a community called “no stupid questions”? Like, isn’t the entire point here to be able to ask questions that you worry might be stupid without being ridiculed for it?
- Comment on The one who's coming was foretold to us has arrived 2 months ago:
The year isn’t quite done yet. It’s a high bar to clear, but with the incidence of bullshit this year, a bigger turd may yet come along.
- Comment on Do you want the murderer of the UnitHealthcare CEO prosecuted? 2 months ago:
Hear me out before you rage:
In theory? I believe that killings warrant investigation, prosecution and trial, no matter their intention, though the intention should factor into the result of the process. I want him to be prosecuted with the same intensity as any other killing would be, and if found, given a fair trial, convicted for whatever charge applies, as would be proper for a functioning judicial system. But then I’d want to see him pardoned as political expression of his popular support (and the fact that his victim was part of a deeply inhuman complex of exploitation).
In practice? I hope they never find him. Appropriate intensity of investigation? Orderly arrest? Fair treatment as prisoner? Fair trial? Fair charges? Fair conviction? Fat chance. Pardoned? Not even a chance.
I want him to go without punishment more than I want to hope for a fair process, and I couldn’t believe in the latter in any case.
- Comment on Elon Musk says too many game studios are owned by giant corporations so his giant corporation is going to start a studio to 'make games great again' 2 months ago:
I hope he loses everything he holds dear: Public respect, wealth, his entourage of yes-men, powerful allies…
Not because I’d wish suffering on anyone, but because all these things enable him to keep doing damage and I want that to stop.
- Comment on Dragon Age: The Veilguard's impressive tresses feature '50,000 individual strands per character for over 100 hairstyles' 3 months ago:
Hey, don’t apologise or defend yourself for loving something! I’m pretty sure you’ll find plenty of people sharing your enthusiasm, if not about this game then about others. Loving something is wonderful and I hope you have tons more fun with it 😊
- Comment on Dragon Age: The Veilguard's impressive tresses feature '50,000 individual strands per character for over 100 hairstyles' 3 months ago:
So ~80 hours for a completionist run? That’s decent