- Comment on Meow 4 weeks ago:
Well I mean i would probably take in an alligator if it came through my window
- Comment on nope don’t like it 5 weeks ago:
If a straw has one hole a shirt has two.
- Comment on Anon becomes a shrimp farmer 1 month ago:
This is actually true. A former landlord of mine made a fuck ton of money by farming koi fish in the basement of a warehouse.
- Comment on This crossword editor's view of the political spectrum 2 months ago:
But they are :)
- Comment on Anon expects more 2 months ago:
I feel like the death if the AAA industry has been dragging on for a while. Every time the “only indie studios can save gaming” feeling hits me a new God of War or Knack 2 or Doom comes out.
- Comment on Learning a new language is easy! 2 months ago:
The comments the guy makes sound more like “yes having black skin is bad, but there is nothing he can change about it, so don’t bully him.” And when he dips the kids in ink he say “look at you. Your skin is even darker than his now!”.
- Comment on Learning a new language is easy! 2 months ago:
Weeell I mean we use abbreviation for the really bad ones. BAföG being my usual example. And I work with international students so with some I see how they learn German from the beginning. My favourite moments are when they discover words like Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbesscheinigung (wich we abbreviate with AU or just Krankenschein), Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung (or just Tempolimit) or the aforementioned Berufsausbildungsförderungsgeld (or just BAföG). I feel like there are quite a few really long words in everyday life. You just have to look out for them.
- Comment on Learning a new language is easy! 2 months ago:
Peter was the guy with the nasty hair and nails. The kid in orange is Konrad or little suck-a-thumb. His thumbs are cut of by the a random man with big sharp scissors because he wouldn’t stop sucking his thumbs. So he kind of had it coming. He was even warned by his mother.
But seriously the girl on the bottom is maybe the only good story I would actually tell my children. It’s about a girl who kept playing with fire even tho she was repeatedly told how dangerous it was.
There is also one story about a black kid that is being bullied for the colour his skin. A bystander doesn’t like that and dips the dipshits in ink so their skin is even darker than that of the black child. Wich is kind of slay but still portrays dark skin as worse than lighter skin soo :(
- Comment on Learning a new language is easy! 2 months ago:
I think it’s funny that the capitalization of nouns in German is allegedly for readability, but at the same time we can cram the new testament into four words.
- Comment on Intruder 3 months ago:
someone makes an argument pick the most extreme adgecase imaginable where rule doesn’t apply while not addressing the problem at all 😎😎😎
The life expectancy of nigeria is 55. That’s 20 less than the world’s average (and apparently north korea?). I should have said developed country, sure. But the point stands. Murdering is not funny. The USA is one of the richest and most developed nations in the world, but is 57th in homicide rate (right behind zimbabwe to give some perspective)
- Comment on Intruder 3 months ago:
Ok? I didn’t say that I did. Doesn’t make it less delusional.
- Comment on Intruder 3 months ago:
Comparing the USA to Nigeria is delusional.
- Comment on Intruder 3 months ago:
No but death is always tragic. It’s almost impossible to deserve death. You can defend yourself, but mocking someone you just killed is psychopath behaviour. Things like this don’t happen in other countries.
- Comment on Anon thinks the French are posers 4 months ago:
“France” comes from the “franks” who were considered Germans originally
- Comment on [Même] Which movie was this for you? 4 months ago:
Usually when I see nothing burgers like taxi driver I at least feel stupid and like I am missing something. But I don’t. It just feels empty. I’ll watch some video essays to see someone explain their fever dream to me, but I’m sure itll not change my mind.
I also have to say I hate how they used the same song every 5 minutes. (A taxi driver fan is cringing right now because I don’t understand the stylistic choice)
- Comment on [Même] Which movie was this for you? 4 months ago:
Oh my god I just watched taxi driver and thought it was mediocre at best. Gave it 2 1/2 stars. Saw that it sits at 4,2?!?
- Comment on The grand prize 4 months ago:
In reall units and currencies thats about 68 tonnes (or around 50 VW Golfs) and 13,8 Million Euros (or 1/11000 of the money we lost due to cum-ex).
- Comment on Read-onlys are cancer. Post stuff you want to see. 4 months ago:
But I’m shy 😳👉👈
- Comment on Honey 5 months ago:
No he’s implying that eating something just because it is “Vegan” is not understanding the point. Vegans usually don’t eat stuff because it’s bad for the environment or because they see animals as equal lifeforms and don’t want to cause them harm. If you don’t eat most animal products because of the environment then you might be ok with eating oysters on occasion. They have a similar co2 footprint as most vegetables. Similarly honey has an even smaller footprint.
- Comment on ok, your back hurts, got it. yup. uh huh. OKAAAYY!! 5 months ago:
This is not a contest. Their suffering is as valid as yours. I mean I wouldn’t voice mine like that, but that’s alright. You don’t have to listen to them.
- Comment on Halloween Botany 5 months ago:
Well cooking terms and botany terms are not the same. Any non reproductive part of a plant is vegetable. But in cooking we have a completely different idea of what vegetables are. This really doesn’t matter because most people are not botanists and those who are probably know the terms. The only people that care are quirky internet people with debates about weather or not potato salad should be considered a cake or something.
- Comment on Cheeky 5 months ago:
Or that sneesing / trying to hold back a sneeze can give you an aneurism. But I guess although it’s rare in animals it’s not exclusive to humans.
- Comment on Anon needs a historian 6 months ago:
Ignoring that four of the five biggest economies have thousands of years of history being a powerful country
- Comment on Jackhammer 6 months ago:
Nah, I’m different tho
- Comment on Ayo wtf my muhfuggin BATH suppose to taste like 8 months ago:
For a perfect cosy bubbly bath mix equal parts ammonia and household bleach
- Comment on What the actual fuck Google? I just wanted linguistics pronunciation of /A/. 9 months ago:
Ok at first I thought the second guy was insane, but the more I thing about it the more I realize he’s cooking. I might have discovered something new about myself today lads.
- Comment on Polisci 9 months ago:
Oh shit yea it’s stem in English. Wupsies
- Comment on Polisci 10 months ago:
As someone who spontaneously decided to study history / political science instead of physics, although I have been preparing to be a physicist the entire time, I can proudly say: At least I am happy. I spend most of my time doing fun and fulfilling things, instead of showing up at uni at 8 in the morning and arriving home at 8 in the evening just to work on homework. All my friends went into mint and they are stressed, don’t have time to do anything and just seem the worst i have ever seen them.
- Comment on Polisci 10 months ago:
You make those claims without ever having looked into polisci studies. Not really looking to reject your own hypothesis.
- Comment on Anon is a mastermind 10 months ago:
Do not ever do this to your local Fastfood workers they will make sure to piss in the oil for you. I gladly put in a little extra work for nice customers, but this is the absolute worst you can do to a McDonald’s worker. Life hack tho, you can just dunk some of the fries you prepared already into the oil again and it will wash if the salt and make them seem fresher for a few seconds.