Death is not always tragic. Life is cheap and always had been. The natural world does us just goes little the world cares about life and always has. Just accept this and move on
Comment on Intruder 2 weeks agoNo but death is always tragic. It’s almost impossible to deserve death. You can defend yourself, but mocking someone you just killed is psychopath behaviour. Things like this don’t happen in other countries. 2 weeks ago 2 weeks ago
Good thing the guy didn’t die then! 2 weeks ago
they definitely do happen in other countries. look up the necklacing incidents in Nigeria. If you look into it, you’ll find that many cultures do not take kindly to theft or b&e and respond in far more violent ways than you may expect. 2 weeks ago
Comparing the USA to Nigeria is delusional. 2 weeks ago
Yes, Nigeria appears to be more civilised. 2 weeks ago
“this doesn’t happen in other countries”
“yeah it does actually”
“how dare you”
🤡 2 weeks ago
The life expectancy of nigeria is 55. That’s 20 less than the world’s average (and apparently north korea?). I should have said developed country, sure. But the point stands. Murdering is not funny. The USA is one of the richest and most developed nations in the world, but is 57th in homicide rate (right behind zimbabwe to give some perspective) 2 weeks ago
you never specified which countries can be compared 2 weeks ago
Ok? I didn’t say that I did. Doesn’t make it less delusional.