- Comment on Which is the cheapest way to manage my body after death ... 1 week ago:
Die without an estate and tell your survivors not to claim your body. The government will take care of your final disposition.
- Comment on What realistically would happen if someone came back to life from the dead ? 2 months ago:
It would no longer be the world-view destroying event that it would have have been 100 years ago. The moment someone came up with the idea of a matter-energy transporter, we had the idea of how someone could come back from the dead. Today we know exactly how it would be done - we just lack the technology.
- Comment on Instead of having customers donate a dollar and giving them a coupon book "worth" $30, why doesn't KFC just donate those $30 themselves (or even half)? 6 months ago:
Coupons often say “Cannot be used with any other offer. One coupon per customer per visit.” There’s usually still an overall profit on the entire order because people don’t buy just the one item covered by the coupon. The business can also deduct the value of the coupon as a charitable donation.
- Comment on Would it count in basketball, if a player found themselves directly under the hoop, threw the ball up through the hoop from underneath, and the ball fell back down, again through the hoop? 6 months ago:
Same in NCAA and FIBA. The moment the ball enters the cylinder from below, it’s the same as going out of bounds. Play stops and the ball is awarded to the team that did not touch the ball last.
- Comment on I want to donate old work shirts, but I don't want people to be mistaken for employees there. How do I remove the logos? 8 months ago:
Cut them up and use them for rags, or deface the logo with permanent marker before donation. Clothes that are not fashionable don’t sell. They end up in huge bales. A few are sold to clothing recyclers (cut up for industrial rags or shredded for felt), but most end up in countries where they disrupt the local garment economy, become landfill, or are burned, contributing to air pollution (do search for “clothing in Atacama desert” or “donated clothing in Africa”).
I only donate quality items in good condition that I would buy. Cheap clothing refills my rag bin. If you’re really feeling guilty about not donating used clothing, the best way to assuage your guilt is to become a resale store customer.
- Comment on Bet y'all are very familiar with this 8 months ago:
My grandkids use it. Gotta train them young. Thanks McD’s! (They even painted it orange)
- Comment on Are cars with AWD worth it compared to FWD. 8 months ago:
Mud too. My buddy lives up a hill at the end of a dirt road. My FWD made it there with no problem until it rained for a week. Since then I take my 4x4 when I visit in wet weather.
- Comment on On Lemmy can we use the NA word or do we get ban? Not going to type it out because I do not want to get banned. 8 months ago:
On social media, don’t attack the person you disagree with. Argue the case for everyone else who’s reading the discussion, as if you were an attorney trying to convince the jury. Personal attacks are often counterproductive, and detract from the credibility of your argument.
- Comment on brewing tea with space vacuum? 8 months ago:
If you place a tea bag in a cup of water at 20C in a thermally isolated vacuum chamber, when the chamber pressure is reduced to or below the vapor pressure of water at 20C (about 17 torr, or 1/3 psi), it will begin to boil. The vapor produced will be at 20C and the water in the cup will be 20C and begin to decrease, because of latent heat of vaporization needed for the liquid/gas phase change. The water will continue to boil as long as the pressure is maintained at or below the vapor pressure of water at that temperature. Eventually, the water reaches 0C. Then it will stop boiling and begin to freeze as the latent heat of fusion provides the necessary heat to continue evaporation. When all the water has converted to ice, the vapor pressure is greatly reduced. The ice will sublime (go from solid to gas) still, but as that continues to cool the ice, the vapor pressure also drops. As the temperature drops, sublimation will slow until it is nearly zero. So you would end up with a tea bag encased in ice.
In your example, if you suddenly exposed to the cup and tea bag to the vacuum of space by rapidly venting the air, the water would explosively evaporate, shredding the tea bag. You’d be left with bits of tea leaves, an empty cup, and a lot of very fine ice crystals.
- Comment on If global warming is a biproduct of humans, wouldn't the logical answer be to kill 2/3rds of the humans? 8 months ago:
I see it as one possibility of many. Measures currently employed are limited because most countries are democratic, where politicians must appease the people to stay in office. China could implement one-child because they are a de-facto dictatorship.
- Comment on The interior of your house is hot, the exterior cool. What would the most efficient orientation be for a box fan? Pushing hot air out of a window or pulling cool air in through it? 8 months ago:
I’ve tried it many ways. The most efficient method using a fan is to open the windows in a room on the leeward side of the house, then place a fan a few feet in front of the door, blowing air into the room. It’s more efficient because the impelled air will entrain surrounding air moving a greater volume through the doorway and out all the windows in that room. Then open windows in the farthest rooms to get a cross breeze.
Also look into an attic fan. They exhaust hot air from the attic, and it makes a world of difference in keeping your interior cool. Another trick is to mount shade cloth 6 inches away from the sunny walls of your home. It absorbs most of the solar radiation and keeps your walls cooler.
- Comment on If global warming is a biproduct of humans, wouldn't the logical answer be to kill 2/3rds of the humans? 8 months ago:
Logically, killing humans would be way down on the list of potential Global Warming solutions. We would have to exhaust all other methods first. Just banning private vehicles would save a few billion from extermination. Green energy tech and Nuclear power would save more. Vegetarian diets even more. Reducing organic waste, involuntary birth control, carbon sequestration - it’s a long list of better incremental solutions. They may be more costly than extermination, but they’re infinitely more ethical. It’s only logical if that’s the sole solution that ensures some of the population survives. We’re a long way from that condition.
- Comment on is there a set top media player that doesn't require an online account? 8 months ago:
Pay-as-you-go phones work. A $15 (sometimes free) basic cellphone with a few minutes are all you need. Once the account is set up, the phone isn’t needed. I’ve made quite a few Google throw-away accounts this way. Just never lose your password and don’t turn on 2FA.
As far as Google tracking goes - you can firewall off all the Google servers if you dislike them, or use a router that connects through a VPN if you need that level of privacy.
- Comment on is there a set top media player that doesn't require an online account? 8 months ago:
An Android TV box doesn’t -need- Google once you’ve downloaded all the apps. But you do need it to keep all those apps up to date. I’m not sure what you gain with not having an account attached to the device. All those streaming services you mentioned require accounts. What’s one more?
- Comment on Millionaire Investment Banker Jonathan Kaye caught punching, and breaking an unarmed woman's nose during Brooklyn Pride Festival 9 months ago:
Soon to be Former Millionaire Investment Banker Jonathan Kaye…FTFY
- Comment on Why does Sync not display some comments? 10 months ago:
I also see this. The only way I can see the missing comments is by sharing the link to a web browser. Then the missing comments can be read in the browser.
Another variation of this issue is when a comment has collapsed replies. For instance, I see “3 replies” beneath a comment. When I tap it, it disappears, but no replies are shown. Again, I can read them if I share the link to the thread to a browser.
- Comment on If I wanted to, hypothetically, guarentee that I shit my pants 2 to 6 hours from now, how should I do it? 10 months ago:
Sandwich bag full of shit placed in your shorts 2-6 hours from now. Then sit down firmly.
Or talk to the homeless guy in Walmart. He seems to have this one down pat.
- Comment on How do people actually dumpster dive to get free food? Are there any other cheap/free ways like this to get food? 10 months ago:
Jesus. Nobody should ever go hungry. Have you tried asking the manager/owner of the local grocery if you can have food destined for the dumpster? Talk to some of the employees too. While I’m not hard up for food, i got friendly with the folks running the deli section. If I show up when they close the deli, they’ll give me everything left in the hot deli case for the price of one serving, because otherwise they’re going to throw it away.
- Comment on If presidential immunity is absolute.. 10 months ago:
That’s a good point. President orders hit, pardons the co-conspirators, turns the reigns over to the VP who then pardons the President. The perfect crime.
- Comment on If presidential immunity is absolute.. 10 months ago:
Nothing other than common decency stops a president from executing all rivals of their party, pardoning all those involved, then resigning from the office, turning it over to the VP, before Congress could impeach. Now if the only remaining members of Congress belong to the President’s party, the odds of impeachment diminish significantly. In any case, only one person - the President - could ever be held responsible.
But anyone dumb enough to try this would start Civil War 2.0.
- Comment on *sweating intensifies* 11 months ago:
For those who are confused by what we mean by “free training”, read this article:
- Comment on Would you drink breast milk if it was commercially available? 11 months ago:
It is for sale commercially. Hella expensive! $107 for 50 ml.
Now you can get it from private individuals for less - a buck or two per ounce, plus overnight shipping. But there are no food safety guarantees. You have no idea who the donor is, what kind of diet they have (may be an issue if you have food or drug allergies), or their health. That’s why it’s not recommended by the FDA.
- Comment on What produced the old dead channel tv static audiovisuals on tvs? 11 months ago:
This is the closest to the correct explanation. The reason televisions based on AM radio reception showed static is because of a circuit called the AGC (Automatic Gain Control) which worked like a robotic volume control. Its job is to keep the recovered video signal within a certain amplification range. As long as there was a carrier (the TV station was “on the air”), you’d see whatever the station broadcast. But when they turned off their transmitter, the signal strength would fall and the AGC would increase the amplification until what you see is white noise, mostly due to the random motion of electrons in the electronic components. We can minimize that by cooling, but it can’t be totally eliminated. Audio amplifiers often come with a “hiss” specification that tells you how much of this kind of noise you can expect at normal operating temperature.
BTW, modern digital TVs -will- show a noise picture if they lack a video muting function when no carrier is detected. I have an LG bought in 2019 that does this, and it’s hella annoying when I accidentally hit the input selection button on the remote, switching from HDMI to TV reception.
- Comment on What’s Usenet and how can I access it with modern hardware (phones/laptops)? 1 year ago:
You can subscribe to Easynews. It’s Usenet turned into a website. There’s a built in search engine (supports regular expressions), retention going back to 2008, spam and malware filtering, and multiple servers located in the US and Europe. You choose whether to use the web or a Usenet client. Probably the easiest way to use this neglected corner of the Internet.
Even Usenet gets censored, but there a window of a couple days between posting and takedown where the file is available. We see this a lot with major studios who pay investigators to identify infringing material. To get around this, some uploaders are encrypting their content, and you’ll need the description key.
- Comment on Anon notices what they've taken from us 1 year ago:
I can’t seem to hold the phone without activating the touch screen. It’s also much too slippery - I think they make them that way so you drop them more often. A case is an absolute necessity. And because the battery doesn’t last the whole day, I have to carry around a power brick to charge it. I miss my Note 3 and the aftermarket case with the 8000 mAh replacement battery!
- Comment on What even is the point of delivery anymore 1 year ago:
Two of my former coworkers live next to each other. Both are married, but one has a wife who stays home to raise their kids (couple #1), while the other has a working wife (couple #2) and their kids are older. #2 buys groceries for both couples, and #1 cooks the dinners for both couples.
Seems like something like this arrangement could work for others. Free food in exchange for cooked meals.
- Comment on KFC be like... 1 year ago:
Wish granted! Air fryer fried chicken
Personally, I use sous vide to cook the seasoned chicken at 155F for 90 minutes, then coat it in batter/oil mix, roll it in seasoned panko and put it in the air fryer at 450F for 10-15 minutes. No pot of oil or grease splattered all over the stove. Chicken is tender, juicy, well-seasoned, has a crispy, crunchy crust, and is never raw at the bone.
- Comment on What's a word that means a common saying which is arguably untrue? 1 year ago:
Whoever came up with the “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” adage never met a person with locked-in syndrome. That’s where you’re totally paralyzed but also totally conscious. There have been patients where the doctors thought they were in a persistent coma, but they were actually going crazy trapped in their own skulls.
- Comment on Why shouldn’t firearm manufacturers be held accountable for the use of their weapons in crimes? 1 year ago:
You’d be charged because you made and distributed a weapon that is an unregistered explosive device - AKA a bomb.
Everyone gets hung up on guns for killing. I’ve shot tens of thousands of rounds and haven’t killed a thing because I shoot competitively. It’s like Zen Buddhists who shoot the bow and arrow, another weapon designed to kill. It is an exercise of mind and body.