Jo Maugham, Director of the Good Law Project, posted on X: “What a brave, democratic, free speech loving, nation we have become under the so-called Conservative Party.”
The most pertinent part for me. The Tories have legalised suppression.
Submitted 1 year ago by to
Jo Maugham, Director of the Good Law Project, posted on X: “What a brave, democratic, free speech loving, nation we have become under the so-called Conservative Party.”
The most pertinent part for me. The Tories have legalised suppression.
I mean, that’s part of the point of the protests. You protest, you get arrested, you bring both attention and legal scrutiny to the issue. The kid went in knowing it was very likely. If a protest issue disruptive enough to get you arrested, it isn’t a protest, it’s a circle jerk
FYI she’s 20 now, no longer a minor. I know some people will still call a person a “kid” at that age, hell I probably would refer to a random 20-year-old as a kid. But, I call this out since some people insist on infantalizing her so they can more easily ignore her- and her message. I’m not saying that’s what you’re doing, but depending on the message you intend to send you might choose a different way to describe her in the future.
Yeah, once you start looking 50 in the old brown eye, anyone under thirty is a kid
You should not be arrested for protesting. This is a direct contravention of article 11 of the human rights act.
Thunberg and other protestors blocked entrances at the hotel, trying to prevent delegates from entering.
I think it’s that blocking that might’ve caused the arrest, not protesting itself. As the link says
Are there any restrictions to this right?
There are some situations where a public authority can restrict your rights to freedom of assembly and association.
This is only the case where the authority can show that its action is lawful, necessary and proportionate in order to:
protect national security or public safety
prevent disorder or crime
protect health or morals, or
protect the rights and freedoms of other people.
Probably falls under the last point
calm down suella. making it easy for fossil fuel meetings to ignore protesters by putting them in jail is not the job of the police. These crusty arseholes need to hear what Greta has to say. The bi product, correlation not causation, is the arresting protesters of high profile makes the news and not the issue itself. And all the bellends come out to say ‘she knew she would get arrested’! The tail does not wag the dog.
Hell I’m pretty sure you can be arrested at this point for just being near a protest and looking at it the Tories are desperate to turn this country into a dictatorship. I have no idea why they can’t just calm the fuck down.
Reminder that Labour has not said they’d remove any of the anti protest stuff, instead they’ll focus on other things if they win the next GE
Why would anyone be outraged? She's a far left activist, I don't know why anyone would expect her NOT to be there.
If I was part of a protest in my own country and she showed up, I’d be likely to punch her myself.
Her appearence and subsequent stunts to get arrested would just divert what little news coverage there might have been to center around her. Completely negating the purpose of the event.
The climate issues we are suffering are not just restricted to the UK borders. She has just as much right to complain as we do. We as a country do not have the right to destroy the planet.
I know it’s not.
But when Greta shows up, it’s all about her and not the protest anymore.
Yikes, violence against those you disagree with. You’re a cool protester
Nah, just hyperbole.
So are you joking about assaulting her, or are you actually saying you’d do it?
At best, that’s a fairly toxic comment which doesn’t belong here
Hyperbole isn’t joking. It’s exaggeration.
Funny … I only know about the protest because she was there and arrested.
Funny … you’re bothering to promote her acts by commenting on social media about it.
Go sit in the corner rude boy.
Sounds more like maybe you just aren’t that interested in all the environment stuff. 1 year ago
Tbh her being arrested just helps raise awareness. If the police hadn’t arrested her and just some nobodies instead, it wouldn’t be in the news. 1 year ago
Without a doubt the intent. It is how she has won her fame. 1 year ago
So what do you think is the plod’s angle? Is it a blunder? A flex? Or are they deliberately trying to lose this one?