- Comment on pain plant 4 days ago:
Yeah, Tabasco is the weakest link when it comes to hotsauce. Sriracha definitely is a step up, but even that has to move aside for the Buldak Sauce.
Buldak has become my go-to hotsauce. It’s so damned good.
- Comment on pain plant 5 days ago:
With a name like The Fartographer, I’m inclined to believe you. 👍
- Comment on pain plant 5 days ago:
Tobacco clearly has the last laugh in this story.
Well, it’s not like we’re immortal if we abstain.
- Comment on pain plant 5 days ago:
Sometimes it also makes your ass go brrrrrr…
- Comment on Moltin' 1 week ago:
Yes, Officer. This one right here.
- Comment on Metro 4 will "inevitably" be shaped by Russia's invasion of Ukraine 1 week ago:
Seeing as Exodus was only loosely based on ‘Metro: 2035’ and that being the last book in the series, I’m guessing this installment will be completely their own brain-child.
I don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing as I loved ‘2033’ and ‘Last Light’, but didn’t much care for Exodus.
- Comment on Free Him! 1 week ago:
Animals experience the same emotions as we do.
It’s just their understanding of the situation that might be lacking.
- Comment on 'Starship Troopers' Remake Set From 'District 9' Director Neill Blomkamp 1 week ago:
I’m a bit in two minds about this news.
I love both the novel and the movie as two separate things.
And District 9 was good, but Chappie wasn’t even a blip on my radar as what little I saw of it was cringy as hell. :/
- Comment on Nose 1 week ago:
- Comment on After two hours, open world shooter Atomfall is far more Far Cry than S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 weeks ago:
Ahh, that headline title could have been more clearly written then.
- Comment on After two hours, open world shooter Atomfall is far more Far Cry than S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 weeks ago:
Was Stalker supposed to be like Far Cry?
Am I missing something?
- Comment on Homer Simpson irl 2 weeks ago:
I do!
- Comment on modern psychiatry be like 3 weeks ago:
Time to blown up Pluto.
- Comment on Make your complaints heard about bad games, says Dragon Age veteran Mark Darrah, but "your $70 doesn't buy you cruelty" 4 weeks ago:
I see how it’s different. And I’m not making excuses for anyone.
If anything, I’m saying I can understand where it’s coming from. But that doesn’t mean I’m onboard with it all.
- Comment on Make your complaints heard about bad games, says Dragon Age veteran Mark Darrah, but "your $70 doesn't buy you cruelty" 4 weeks ago:
The cost of developing games hasn’t skyrocketed. Developers have more means than ever. Many things that was handcrafted on crappy slow computers then are auto-generated in seconds now.
There’s no massive shipping costs or printing of physical mediums anymore. And no losses if the already printed cassettes or CD’s didn’t sell.
If a game costs hundreds of millions to develop, in this day and age, it’s by design and/or because of bloated companies.
- Comment on Make your complaints heard about bad games, says Dragon Age veteran Mark Darrah, but "your $70 doesn't buy you cruelty" 4 weeks ago:
I have no personal vendetta against any of these individual Devs.
My stake in this is slightly different. Like, when I heard about how Blizzard treated it’s own staff and then the whole sexual harassment thing popped up, I was done with them. From that point on, that company doesn’t deserve to exist and I blacklisted them. So i try to keep up with gaming related news.
More studios have joined that list since, for various reasons, and I find myself mostly playing indie titles from small upcoming developers now. I feel better about that.
I do believe we should be(e) kind. But I also believe kindness is a two way street.
- Comment on Avowed Launches As Steam's # 1Top Seller In The US And Worldwide 4 weeks ago:
It’s now Sunday and the number only “jumped” with 1000 players from release to now.
I honestly thought it would be more. But it looks like it isn’t gonna cross the 20.000 mark.
- Comment on Xbox Boss Surrenders In The Great Console Wars 4 weeks ago:
They’ll still make the Xbox consoles as long as they are selling. They’ll hopefully just ease off the “Exclusives” going forward.
It was a shitty way of trying to move consoles anyway.
Although they are late to the party, Sony is also trying to sell on PC and other storefronts. So my guess is that the console market isn’t treating either of them super well atm.
- Comment on Avowed Review Thread 4 weeks ago:
A quick internet search would suggest that no, you can exchange them, but not dismiss them entirely.
The game seems pretty hard-coded in regards to how they want you to play it.
- Comment on Make your complaints heard about bad games, says Dragon Age veteran Mark Darrah, but "your $70 doesn't buy you cruelty" 4 weeks ago:
As I said, there’s bound to be other opinions.
- Comment on Make your complaints heard about bad games, says Dragon Age veteran Mark Darrah, but "your $70 doesn't buy you cruelty" 4 weeks ago:
I don’t think anyone really celebrates layoffs at a studio because they didn’t like a game they made.
I think it’s mostly reserved for when Devs or CMs have come out of the woodwork to shit on their own potential audience. A response to overconfidence and disregard of the customer. Because there’s definitely been some of that as of late.
Ofcause there bound to be other opinions, but I think this is the overall gist of the current situation.
- Comment on Avowed Launches As Steam's # 1Top Seller In The US And Worldwide 5 weeks ago:
We’ll no doubt see that number jump a bit over the weekend, but atm it’s anyones guess if it will do well or not.
So I wouldn’t crack any party poppers just yet.
- Comment on Avowed Launches As Steam's # 1Top Seller In The US And Worldwide 5 weeks ago:
I’ve only completed the first Pillars game and it’s an ok game.
A bit linear for a crpg in my opinion, but the story is pretty good. Like, you only really have a couple of choices that have any consequenses.
So not top tier crpg, but ok. But that’s just my unsolicited two cents.
- Comment on Avowed Launches As Steam's # 1Top Seller In The US And Worldwide 5 weeks ago:
There’s been quite a few titles that launched as “#1 Seller” that underperformed lately.
So yeah, I’ll happily dispute this as a sign of success.
- Comment on Real 5 weeks ago:
Trusting science and following advice are two very different things.
- Comment on Google spikes its explicit 'no AI for weapons' policy 1 month ago:
Future headlines right there.
- Comment on BioWare veterans confirm they were laid off by EA, including senior Dragon Age and Mass Effect devs 1 month ago:
I’m talking about buying from small indie studios.
Every giant we have now all started as a small studio, doing their thing.
All we have to do, is shop around and make sure that whatever we buy isn’t affiliated with a big publisher.
- Comment on BioWare veterans confirm they were laid off by EA, including senior Dragon Age and Mass Effect devs 1 month ago:
Time to build the new giants.
- Comment on British girls outdrink boys — and most of Europe 2 months ago:
As a Dane I solemnly swear that they will never take our crown!
- Comment on The Two Genders 3 months ago:
The key words here being “I bet…”
OP is just raging at no one in particular.