This trend of every company trying to push AI into every product they have needs to end
Leaked video shows PlayStation toying with Aloy from Horizon as an AI chatbot
Submitted 2 days ago by [bot] to
Comments 2 days ago 2 days ago
I feel so bad for anybody creative in that industry :/ imagine being a writer for the Horizon series and seeing some fucking suit plugging AI into a character you’ve put months of work into and going “look what ChatGPT can do!”
I get it bad enough at work but fuck, that’s heartbreaking. 2 days ago
Does anybody actually want that, ever? 2 days ago
crickets 2 days ago
I imagine game studios are out of ideas so they are pitching, “AI NPC’s” to investors. This would also save money on voice acting and writing. If Rockstar’s GTA VI does bad then I’m counting that as the final nail in the AAA coffin. 2 days ago
Interesting point, although I don’t see how you’d manage to run modern TTS (the models can get very large, and that’s per voice; as an example Parler-TTS’s mini model is 800Mb, the HQ model is 2.3Gb - for one voice) + a LLM for content synthesis on any personal hardware, console or not. The storage requirements alone would make that grossly infeasible. 2 days ago
I could see AI interactions being interesting in some types of proceduraly generated games but I think the novelty would wear off pretty quick 2 days ago
Thing is, I really don’t see how that’d work for any useful scenario. Even in this very limited case natural language processing and response generation is definitely off-loaded to a remote server farm, and isn’t running on the console. TTS for a single characters voice could - but likely isn’t - be done on the hardware, but as I mentioned elsewhere, the voice models for modern text-to-speech synthesis are very, very large. Typically gigabytes of data - per voice. Completely unrealistic for any meaningful game.
Even if all those trained models existed (they don’t), I doubt any consumer would be amused by a multi-terabyte download.
Even as it is, the response latency is hilariously bad. I players having to wait seconds for each NPC response would fly as well as a lead brick. 2 days ago
Are they going to be paying the voice actress a shit ton of money for that? 2 days ago
At least ask it what it’s Playin’ (Hey Aloy, Whatcha Playin’?) 2 days ago
Is AI the new NFT? Omfg, when will it end? 2 days ago
Always has been 🔫 2 days ago
The irony of Aloy being the voice of a machine is completely lost on those clowns. 1 day ago
The guys in business suits consider a “win” just sales and not really public sentiment or anything else that also matters as much (if not more). 2 days ago
Yeah that’s really crazy