So many things come in pill form…
How does one go about curing a pill hangover? Never had one but a patient of me asked me this and I had no answer. I know how to get over alcohol hangover but not a pill hangover?
Submitted 3 weeks ago by to [deleted]
Comments 3 weeks ago 3 weeks ago
Hydration is probably still a good start. Helps your organs (including kidneys) do their jobs. 3 weeks ago
Sounds like withdrawal. Quite the pickle, Don Dickle. 3 weeks ago
Hydration, carbs, and anti-inflammatories.
Make sure the hydration includes electrolytes.
Most of the pills that are abused enough to cause a hangover are going to benefit most from the hydration. It’ll flush out any water soluble stuff a teeny bit faster and support the entire system.
Beyond that, it’s time. 3 weeks ago
Ive never heard of pill hangover, maybe the patient is implying withdrawal symptoms. If it’s something like a narcotic pill, oxycodone and the like, then there are medications to treat the withdrawal.
There are also benzos, antidepressants, and other types of “pills” that produce a kind of withdrawal and all of them would benefit some kind of medical intervention.
Home remedies have their place, but some withdrawal symptoms can be life threatening. Advise this person to go the hospital to be monitored. 3 weeks ago
Patient? 3 weeks ago
Yeah ain’t no way this user is a medical professional 3 weeks ago
What kind of pills? 3 weeks ago
Yeah this tells us nothing.