This process is highly secure, Anon, said the actor in the movie.
Anon experiences freedom
Submitted 2 days ago by to
Comments 2 days ago 2 days ago
Fucking Jesus. They did say they wanted to ban porn and this is only the first step. This will systematically destroy porn and livelihoods. Who in their right minds would upload a picture of their horny selves next to their licence to some likely unreliable site? Lower the traffic and you kill the shit out of sex work. Evil motherfuckers, man. 2 days ago
I’d rather go back to (poorly) drawing boobs and stuff… 2 days ago
It’s going to suck when they outlaw VPNs 2 days ago
VPN bans are my red line where I start putting all my time and money into getting citizenship elsewhere. 2 days ago
The privacy and security issues of this are pretty obvious. However I do think that the easy accessibility and ubiquity of porn and highly sexualized content for children and tweens is a serious problem that people who make fun of porn restriction efforts fail to address or even acknowledge.
Certainly a lot of the responsibility falls on guardians, but it’s hard to moderate when you’re up against the giant machines of social media. They need help to limit exposure. And this isn’t some prudish “oh no protect the children from the titty and the peen” attitude. I don’t think most people feel comfortable with the idea of 10-year olds sharing videos of aggressive gang banging or throat fucking like it’s a normal thing. And obviously this isn’t exclusive to porn. Plenty of explicit and gruesomely violent content out there to be worried about. But the internet footprint of porn dwarfs everything else put together. 2 days ago
Why is it everyone’s problem that parents can’t figure out that their kids shouldn’t have unlimited unrestricted access to the internet? They know not to let their children loose on the Las Vegas strip, why can’t they apply the same logic to the internet? I don’t agree with 10 year olds looking at porn even slightly but also it’s not my problem. I’m tired of the world making everything child friendly. I don’t have kids for a reason and if I want to watch Human Centipede 1-4 while blasting hardcore dwarf deepthroat gangbang porn then that’s my prerogative. 2 days ago
Because we live in a society and things that impact society impact you, as a member of society. It’s the same reason why we have age restrictions for alcohol, porn stores, and cigarettes. It’s also why we have laws about seatbelts, labour, and certain non-toxic but excessively unhealthy ingredients. Even if you take giving a shit about others out of the equation, the self-interested view knows that what happens to others’ kids now can and do become your individual problem down the road.
Enforcing age restriction is not a ban. I think as an adult it’s entirely your perogative to watch your dwarf porn. However your framing of “making everything kid friendly” is a bit misleading and disingenuous. It’s quite the same as complaining everyone is always trying to make things kid friendly because they check your ID at the liquor store. Would it be more convenient if you could just grab and go? Sure. But the social harm without it clearly outweighs the inconvenience.
The fickle problem with the internet porn is still privacy and data security, but that’s a separate issue. 2 days ago
Certainly a lot of the responsibility falls on guardians, but it’s hard to moderate when you’re up against the giant machines of social media.
It’s really not. Establish an open and trusting relationship with your kids.
Porn will be accessible without ID regardless, because plenty of sites operate outside the neutron jurisdiction of the US. All this does is punish responsible sites and push kids onto sketchier websites.
The only real solution here is responsible parenting. If you’re not going to be a responsible parent, don’t have kids. 1 day ago
Not every kid has the privilege of being born to parents who give a shit or are even in their lives for one reason or another.
Still my original point was not about what the actual good pragmatic solutions are to reducing accessibility (a spectrum from can’t avoid it to mildly inconvenient to highly inaccessible to banned). It was about recognizing the problem at all. 2 days ago
So, uh, how do you protect your minors? 2 days ago
Bet they voted trump like an idiot 2 days ago
Easy solution! Just make a profile before the photo verification was implemented 2 days ago
Why would you want a profile on a porn site? That’s just one data breach away from revealing all your naughty secrets. 2 days ago
Honestly good, less taking advantage of women and thinking of them as a piece of meat 2 days ago
First they came for the wankers… And I didn’t speak up. 2 days ago
Conservatives practically invented taking advantage of women. 2 days ago
Yep, thats also bad. 2 days ago
Because, apparently gay porn (with men) or just men in porn at all doesn’t exist. I understand that some porn producers can be exploitative, especially to women, but that doesn’t mean the whole industry is bad and needs to be blocked. 2 days ago
And women like porn too. 2 days ago
You are a fool to consent to this. 2 days ago
Lol I saw Lemmings celebrate Australia’s Ban of Teenagers from social media, then simultaneously criticize this lol 🤣
(Both are bad, btw) 2 days ago
I think it’s uncontroversial to say that porn is bad for children, and I would say that social media is bad for children as well. I think as one matures and becomes an adult both become less bad, less fraught, but the difference between the two of Is that one with one of them you sometimes want to be anonymous, and the other one you almost always want to be anonymous.
I mean I’m against requiring affirmative identity verification online anyway, even as a solution to keeping children away from things that are unhealthy for them. You can’t sacrifice the freedom of adults on the altar of protecting children. 2 days ago
I disagree, I just think what makes them bad for adults is different from what makes them bad for kids.
But yeah, I agree with your conclusion. Regardless of your views here, surely requiring companies verify ID online is a bad idea.
IMO, parents should be the ones to choose how to regulate what their kids access, and they should be responsible for any harm their choices cause.