At least in Germany, numbers are going down. One interpretation is that the kids are too busy with all the devices and have no free hand
Kids these days
Submitted 4 weeks ago by to [deleted]
Comments 4 weeks ago 4 weeks ago
You don’t need a free hand when you can stuff 22 cigars in your mouth 4 weeks ago
TIL now nothing is holding me back anymore. Thanks! 4 weeks ago
Gentlemen 4 weeks ago
came here to say this 4 weeks ago
Very happy to see Lemmy is well cultured 😄 4 weeks ago
My grandma killed herself by smoking for 60 years. Got stage 4 lung cancer and relied on my mom for 24 hour care for a year before she finally kicked the bucket. I feel no pity for her and I wasn’t even sad when she died. She was an awful woman who used everyone around her until literally the day she died. Played the victim in situations she put herself in and expected others (my mom) to bail her out. 4 weeks ago
To be fair, nicotine is one of the most addictive substances 4 weeks ago
I’ve seen boomers complain about a lot of things, but young people’s propensity for addiction is not one of them. 4 weeks ago
Addiction’s still around, it just jumped to different things like screen time and gaming. Everything else is getting too expensive to maintain. 4 weeks ago
Meth is still reasonable. 4 weeks ago
Nah they always bitched. Addicted to the TV. Addicted to video games. Addicted to computers. Addicted to cell phones, etc. The irony being they’re all addicted to their iPads to browse Facebook.