And by lifetime wage, I mean this
Ew, steven chowder the nazi
Submitted 4 weeks ago by to [deleted]
And by lifetime wage, I mean this
Ew, steven chowder the nazi
Just googling his name and… ewww.
Being no. American, I had 'ô idea who this person was, sorry!
The guy in the picture is a nazi? You are telling me, I have fucking NAZI in one of my profile pictures!?!
Username checks out I guess…
AI can’t survive on an art degree, AI needs to get a real job.
I agree with you as long as we also don’t end up boiling the oceans to get a mediocre picture of Luigi snacking on peanuts or whatever
Yeah, this indeed.
This is such a first world way of thinking lmao.
Well technically yes, it’s a French way of thinking.
Alien Nation was a good show. They liked drinking buttermilk.
Your eww is cheap. All it takes is a word from an anonymous person to buy it.
A word from a stranger leading me to his Wikipedia page. The second one is decisive. Wikipedia can make mistakes, but there are some heavy leads… 4 weeks ago
OP, just so you know, the person in this photo is Steven Crowder, a notorious right-wing crank and documented spouse abuser.
There are similar formats, including one with Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes.
Image 4 weeks ago
Damn. I had no idea who that person was. I thought it was just a classical meme template featuring some random dude. I saw this posted so often I never really thought that person may be a public one.
Thanks for the warning, I’ll never post using this template again.
And fk nazis. 4 weeks ago
Calvin is a notorious flat-earther and documented cat botherer.