- Comment on Attempt to motivate people to take the stairs 1 month ago:
Not sure what bread or chocolate chips you are eating, but this isn’t even remotely true
- Comment on Makes your jaw drop in amazement 1 month ago:
“have to” is doing a lot of heavy lifting here
- Comment on Someone had to say it out loud 1 month ago:
I agree with you as long as we also don’t end up boiling the oceans to get a mediocre picture of Luigi snacking on peanuts or whatever
- Comment on I'm sure everyone remembers 3 months ago:
- Comment on How do I get over fear of cooking? 4 months ago:
First, it’s OK to not cook. If you are getting by alright without cooking, there’s nothing wrong with that.
Second, I respect you coming here and admitting your fear. Ironically it takes a lot of bravery to do that!
Third, irrational fears and anxieties are a normal part of the human experience. Everybody has them, so though it can feel like you’re being stupid, you’re really just being human (though some might say that’s two ways of saying the same thing).
Fourth, I’m not a therapist or medical professional but the treatment for phobias I am aware of are CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy), ACT (acceptance and commitment therapy), and exposure therapy. You can find CBT and ACT workbooks that might be helpful. As for exposure therapy, I think it’s best to work with a professional doing that. Exposure therapy is not just taking the plunge, there’s a process to it. Of course, if you can afford it, talking to a mental health professional is always best.
Good luck!
- Comment on your mom falls significantly faster than g 4 months ago:
An average bowling ball is 8.5 inches in diameter, giving it a cross sectional surface area of roughly 60 sq in. Restricting ourselves to feathers made by non-human animals, the longest feather measured was on a Yokohama chicken at 34 feet / 400+ inches. I can’t find the width of the feather, but it’s still likely it outdoes an average bowling ball.
- Comment on lemmy.ca user Is this true? 4 months ago:
Huge missed opportunity: could have been God made Adam and Eve, not Maple and Leaf
- Comment on your mom falls significantly faster than g 4 months ago:
A feather has smaller surface area than a bowling ball.
Depends on the feather and the bowling ball. Even relatively small (by volume) feathers might outdo a bowling ball thanks to the numerous fine shapes they have.
- Comment on Altered the timeline 5 months ago:
If you want to learn more about it than is frankly reasonable, Jamie Loftus recorded a detailed history including an interview with Naomi H.
- Comment on Marie Curie, such a drama queen 7 months ago:
Q: What did Marie Curie say to Albert Einstein?
A: At speeds approaching c, I still have one more Nobel prize than you
- Comment on Mouse brains 7 months ago:
The song goes “Pinky and the Brain, one is a genius, the other’s insane”, which, if it implies anything, implies Pinky is the genius and Brain is the insane one
- Comment on I hope tgis is a troll, but it probably isn't 7 months ago:
I spent way too long trying to figure out what “tgis” stood for
- Comment on All models are wrong. 8 months ago:
- Comment on Irrational 9 months ago:
No, by our current understanding there is no length smaller than a Planck length, and any distance must therefore be divisible by an integer. That is, the length is made up of discrete quanta. Pi, or any other irrational number, is by definition not divisible by an integer, or it would be a ratio, making it rational. This has nothing to do with the accuracy or precision of our measures.
- Comment on Elsevier 9 months ago:
Plus, if you have two people with legit access, you can pretty easily figure out what’s going on and defeat it.
- Comment on Irrational 9 months ago:
My only guess as to what this could mean is that since quantum mechanics is quantum, i.e. discrete, the universe therefore cannot be continuous as the reals are. But this is a category error. Just because you could never find an object that is, say, exactly pi meters long, does not mean that the definition of pi is threatened. There’s nothing infinite that we can observe, but infinity is still a useful concept. And it works both ways; just because quantum mechanics is our best model of the universe doesn’t mean the universe is therefore quantum. 150 years ago everyone believed the universe was like a big clockwork mechanism, perfectly deterministic, because Newtonian physics are deterministic. And who knows, maybe they were right, and we just don’t have the framework to understand it so we have a nondeterministic approximation!
- Comment on Irrational 9 months ago:
So because quantum mechanics is well modeled by imaginary numbers, the existence of quantum particles threatens the definition of irrational numbers? That doesn’t make any sense.
- Comment on Galois 9 months ago:
My man did both though
- Comment on Calc 🥰 9 months ago:
The other constant is C
- Comment on Swole 10 months ago:
- Comment on Marvels Rivals requires creators to sign a contract that removes your right to give a negative review to access the playtest 10 months ago:
Yeah, I sometimes forget that the law isn’t a code to be broken with this One Neat Trick. That goes double when you are going up against power.
- Comment on Marvels Rivals requires creators to sign a contract that removes your right to give a negative review to access the playtest 10 months ago:
The ToS forbids satirical reviews. I’d start a review by reading out this portion of the ToS and then make a list of things I hate, just saying I’m not allowed to talk about this aspect of the game.
- Comment on Blast! 10 months ago:
Also MFW my desire to be loved and understood is thwarted by my fear of loss and the existential horror of being known
- Comment on Never Forget 10 months ago:
At risk of sounding cringe, it’s evidence of one injustice system.
- Comment on Microsoft's payment to Bobby Kotick would cover the salaries of Tango Gameworks and Arkane Austin employees for over 17 years. 10 months ago:
$375 million in today’s dollars would cover (adjusted for inflation) the marketing and development of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. en.wikipedia.org/…/List_of_most_expensive_video_g…
- Comment on "Yeah, yeah, I totally know what a lion looks like, just give me the brush" 10 months ago:
boomer-ass joke
- Comment on Zero to hero 10 months ago:
IMO we invented it, because numbers don’t real. But that’s a deeper philosophical question.
- Comment on Zero to hero 10 months ago:
I truly have no idea what you’re saying.
- Comment on Zero to hero 10 months ago:
As a programmer, I’m ashamed to admit that the correct answer is no. If zero was natural we wouldn’t have needed 10s of thousands of years to invent it.
- Comment on evangelism 10 months ago:
I don’t want to be on this planet anymore