The amish do have computers and they’re linux
Amish virus
Submitted 5 weeks ago by to [deleted]
Comments 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
The last time my wife and I went through Amish country, I saw a sign stapled high on a telephone pole, written with marker on pink poster board that said like “Yoder’s website design” and the number to call to presumably ask Yoder to make you a website.
People may not be familiar with Amish country, but there are tons of like construction companies, cabinet shops, etc., because people out here really like Amish made carpentry, so there’s lots of little businesses set up. Yoder is an Amish/Mennonite name, so I can imagine some young Mennonite guy selling like basic HTML/ CSS or like WordPress sites to all these little businesses that probably want a website but don’t use the internet themselves.
Or who knows maybe their web design is as good as their carpentry? 5 weeks ago
This would be better on lined paper with cursive writing. 5 weeks ago
But after deleting every file kN my system I don’t have a mailing list anymore either. 5 weeks ago
That tracks. Viruses are rarely well programmed 5 weeks ago
It’s fine nothing happens if you ignore it.
Wait wtf is that candleja 5 weeks ago
This meme is old enough to drink in the US 5 weeks ago
This meme started on photocopiers and smelled of cigarettes for it’s first 20 years of life. 5 weeks ago
I saw wood paneling and heard CCR on the radio when I read this 5 weeks ago
What do you expect? It’s Amish 5 weeks ago
This meme is old enough to drive away its third spouse after decades of habitual drinking 5 weeks ago
Honestly that just makes it better