The whole movie is fucking incredible. One of my favorite lines from it is, “I’ve got better things to do tonight than die.” There is a whole other scene where they are getting slaughtered in a space battle and one of the Autobots, Arcee, says, “Cup and Hotrod just bought it,” and Ultra Magnus just dead eyes, “I can’t deal with that now.” The movie is fucking hardcore. It was my own version of Saving Private Ryan as a kid.
Fun fact, Stan Bush’s “You’ve Got The Touch” was originally going to be the Rocky theme instead of Eye Of The Tiger. If you look up the lyrics, you can see that it was specifically written for the Rocky character. 2 months ago
I watch this movie once or twice a year, for 30 something years.
I can recite every line, song, and sound effect.
This scene is amazing, but without the assault on autobot city and seeing everyone losing it doesn’t hit as hard when Optimus shows up to save the day. 2 months ago
You are not alone. This movie has been a constant point in my 38 years. The soundtrack was the first CD I owned. I’ve got a Deception tattoo. I just watched it last week. Always hits. 2 months ago
Same. I recited the whole thing to a kid who didn’t have access to a VCR!
‘Arblus, look! It’s Unicron!’… 2 months ago
I catch myself saying unchrasamatic more often than I should.