Today’s game is Halo CE. I needed to debug an issue i was having with a SymLink on my SSD with the game’s Proton data. After that i made sure to double check everything was working fine. I ended up playing through the first two levels. The main screenshot is from the Start of the second level where you have to evade covenant troops. There was this really pretty waterfall i took a picture of. Water just kind of seemed to be the focus of the screenshots for today though (i’m sure ! will love this though). I had a few extra clips i wanted to share too but i think the file for those got corrupted right after the game crashed.
Overall CE has some pretty water, like this river here. The way it looks reminds me of Ocarina of Time and the river right out front of Hyrule Castle.
Here’s the river in the Anniversary version. I think i like the classic one more, but that’s more so personal preference (and probably my love for OOT). It still looks very pretty though and i love it.
Finally there was this bulletin board i wanted to share from the Anniversary Graphics (This way no one can say i only shared water pictures in this post). It looks way different there and you can tell the Dev team had a lot of fun with it. I like the cat found poster the most though, it’s a very cute cat. 3 months ago
Its so unfortunate that 343 messed up CE Anniversary so badly. But at least they did a lot better with Halo 2 Anniversary (though that is also not without its issues).
Now with a rebrand to Halo Studios, which was 100% caused by their poor stewardship of the series and the ruining of their own reputation beyond redemption, 343 will have to super-over-deliver with whatever they come out with next.
And I pray it is not a CE Remake. They messed it up already once before, just leave it alone and do something different with Halo. Make ODST 2 or some new story about a new Spartan entirely, I am tired of my favorite characters and stories being butchered these days. 3 months ago
I’m curious what you think they messed up with CE anniversary? I just recently played through it and can’t remember any changes besides the graphics, which can be switched back to normal by simply pressing the Tab key 3 months ago
Bugs, for one. So many, many bugs. Bugs that remained unfixed for years.
Also, graphics. I don’t mean fidelity, because fidelitywise they were pretty good for the time. I mean the complete change in art style. Anything forerunner became riddled with lines that made the designs overly busy. The reuse of Reach assets instead of actually remaking the assets to match the original game. Its like at that point, are they even remastering the game? Not to mention how many changes to the environment models were inaccurate enough to cause players to try to shoot through or walk through invisible collision geometry of the original game. 3 months ago
I think they mean the graphics. Which is something most people agree on. There are a few moments that work well, but overall it’s not a brilliant job 3 months ago
I wouldn’t mind a ODST remake. I really enjoyed the first one