Nice job! No matter how big I make the floors they always seem too small for what I needed.
Join us over at ! if you like, and of course welcome to cross-post!
Submitted 5 months ago by to
Nice job! No matter how big I make the floors they always seem too small for what I needed.
Join us over at ! if you like, and of course welcome to cross-post!
Done and Done, thank you!
Then you build up stators to help comp for that, then you build some skywalks between the two… one of my favorite things is building cyberpunk style cities as the factory grows
Very impressive. Now let’s see Paul Allen’s factory.
Sweats profusely
some of the factories on the evil forum are insane
Wow, it’s like we’re not even playing the same game. All my stuff is out in the open with tall stacks of conveyor belts everywhere.
Still on my first playthrough amd my “factory” is a collection of what I had to build at any moment connected where it has to be for the next step. Other than a few rebuilt spots here and there. Last night was the quest for more coal and a lesson in power grid management. Next up to tackle is better water pressure optimization.
And here I am just making my motors by hand like a chump. You know, maybe it’s time I get off my ass and build something cool like this. Iron and coal processing and smelting on the first level, ingot splitting to wire on the second, pipe making on the third, have a vertical line that’ll start pumping out rotors from processing, then a bank of assemblers at the top floor to churn out motors and to line them back down.
I want to play this game, but i don’t have the tiiiiiime! Urgh :(
And it only looks a little evil.
I‘ll never be able to build stuff like that lol
sure you could! its not as complicated as it looks 5 months ago
This game looks like work. I play games to avoid work. 5 months ago
It’s absurdly addictive, it’s hard to explain to your family why you’re having fun making spreadsheets for the gaem 5 months ago
I eventually quit playing Eve Online when I realized that I was basically just looking at fancy spreadsheets all night. 5 months ago
It’s ADHD bait. When I am on my meds, I get a dopamine hit every time I progress or solve something.