Rope Duct tape Zip ties
Keep it simple.
Submitted 7 months ago by to
Rope Duct tape Zip ties
Keep it simple.
Going to hoist yourself up and finally sort out that leaky drainpipe I see
Public service announcement, doughnut holes are called Timbits in Canada.
No they’re not. At Tim Horton’s their special branded version are called “Timbits”, but everyone knows the term “doughnut holes” and unless they’re specifically talking about the kind from Tim Horton’s they won’t use that term.
Um, actually you’re wrong. It’s the same phenomenon as kleenex. Every Canadian refers to them as timbits. Not doughnut holes.
Bleach, a saw, and cat litter.
I’ve got this. Showing up with just these items in your basket at Walmart would be certain to raise questions:
The vodka would probably get you thrown out
Carrots Vegetable peeler Lube
What’s a peeler lube? Or is it carrots vegetable?
I think the comment is missing some commas. This is what I think it’s supposed to be:
Carrots, Vegetable peeler, Lube 7 months ago
Super hard mode: 2 items
Vaginal cream and a fly swatter 7 months ago
Frozen pizza and canned pineapple 7 months ago
This is the best one so far 😂