Dated: 2024-08-03. Added: 2024-08-03.
My only concern is when she gets flustered sometimes she blurts something out off the dome that she really shouldn’t. The line about not trusting a vaccine from the Trump admin in 2020 comes to mind immediately - very kneejerk, poorly considered response.
Trump is allowed to make 100 of these a minute. By virtue of being a woman of color she isn’t. It’s fucked but it’s true. She really, really needs to avoid that kind of response. 7 months ago
It fucking sucks that the Democrats keep bending over backwards for this shitbag. Why does he get to pick the venue? 7 months ago
He doesn’t. Harris campaign has not responded. This is just Trump’s wishful thinking. 7 months ago
NYT misleading with headline phrasing???
Nooooooooooo. 7 months ago
Did you read the article?