- Submitted 4 weeks ago to | 1 comment
- Submitted 1 month ago to | 16 comments
- Comment on penetration tests 7 months ago:
You're goddamned right.
- Comment on ecologists be like 7 months ago:
Hitting people isn't funny.
- Comment on ochem periodic table 7 months ago:
Hydrogen is "Carbon's Little Buddy."
Helium is "The Sun"
- Comment on penetration tests 7 months ago:
- Comment on On Bears 7 months ago:
- Comment on That Time Trump Nearly Died in a Helicopter Crash? Didn’t Happen 7 months ago:
Mr. Trump’s visit to the burned forest with then-Governor Brown and Mr. Newsom did generate headlines, but not because of anything that occurred on their helicopter ride. Rather, it was because, during a news conference after landing at the scene, Mr. Trump, 78, attributed the wildfire to too many fallen, dead tree branches and said the answer to solving California’s wildfire crisis was to rake the forest floors.
Maybe he should have drawn a circle around the fire with a Sharpie.
- Comment on I Worked For MrBeast, He's A Sociopath 7 months ago:
And since you're desperate, I'll throw down a bunch for you here:
Aging Wheels
Bart's Car Stories
driving 4 answers
Ed's Auto Reviews
Junkyard Digs
Mortske Repair
Moto Control (motorcycle riding advice)
Robot Cantina (doesn't get nearly enough love)
The Bearded MechanicI'm working on starting up my own channel for motorcycle revivals, I think there's room for one more, but I am not ready to advertise it yet.
- Comment on I Worked For MrBeast, He's A Sociopath 7 months ago:
Some of the old Donut crew, espsially including Jeremy, have formed BigTime which is so far very good.
- Comment on On Bears 7 months ago:
If it's black, panic. If it's brown, panic. If it's white, panic.
Always panic.
- Comment on I Worked For MrBeast, He's A Sociopath 7 months ago:
If you like "car stuff," Sleeperdude is top of the charts, and I've got a list of other channels too many to list here. Language? RobWords. Math? Numberphile and Stand-up Maths. General interesting stuff? Joe Scott (unrelated).
- Comment on Why are people downvoting the MediaBiasFactChecker not? 7 months ago:
Because I don’t trust some internet rando’s bot to have my best interests in mind.
- Comment on Geography 101 7 months ago:
Under da que?
- Comment on Trump Agrees to a Fox News Debate With Harris on Sept. 4 7 months ago:
He doesn’t. Harris campaign has not responded. This is just Trump’s wishful thinking.
- Comment on I need new glasses. The only insurance-approved place I can shop online will cost $250 with my needs. I went to a "cheap" glasses website that doesn't accept insurance: $250. Yay, America. 7 months ago:
When I've gone to America's Best for an eye exam, yeah, they were none too happy when I wouldn't also buy glasses from them, but I got my prescriptions to go. Fuck em. Didn't have a single problem with the optometrist office in the Target. I'm also pretty sure that the optometry part and the retail frames and lenses part of these stores are at least somewhat separate from each other, business-wise.
The down side of the online "cheap glasses" places is that when your frames show up all bent and twisted, you have to adjust them yourself, and if there's a problem with the lenses, that's a whole thing. Buying from a storefront, they'll handle all that for you. I'm capable of running my plastic frames under hot water to straighten them out and adjust them to my crooked head.
- Comment on What are some things you can do to maintain your teeth when you don't have health insurance amd can't afford dental care? 7 months ago:
Most of the ones you find will have the "handle" parallel to the floss. There are some out there where the handle is perpendicular to the floss, but they're a bit harder to find on store shelves. I found that the latter make it much easier to get to the back teeth, but I do just fine with the former, too.
- Comment on I need new glasses. The only insurance-approved place I can shop online will cost $250 with my needs. I went to a "cheap" glasses website that doesn't accept insurance: $250. Yay, America. 7 months ago:
Measuring your own PD is ehhh. You can have the optometrist give you PD at your exam.
- Comment on I need new glasses. The only insurance-approved place I can shop online will cost $250 with my needs. I went to a "cheap" glasses website that doesn't accept insurance: $250. Yay, America. 7 months ago:
I tried bifocals, and they are just not for me. I work on a computer all day, and having to jog my head around in order to have appropriate focus sucks.
So ... when I go to get an eye exam, I have them give me two prescriptions. One for distance (driving, movies, whatever), and another for about six inches past arm's length - how far away my main monitor is. Then I get two pair of glasses online for ~$40 each, and a pair of distance sunglasses for $50.
I like the distance sunglasses better than transitions lenses, because they're darker than the transitions would ever get. Adding other fancy coatings will certainly increase the price of the lenses, but I think I only did scratch resistant on my regular distance pair, since I'm not doing somersaults while on the computer.
- Comment on I need new glasses. The only insurance-approved place I can shop online will cost $250 with my needs. I went to a "cheap" glasses website that doesn't accept insurance: $250. Yay, America. 7 months ago:
I have had less than stellar results with Zenni, ymmv
- Comment on What are some things you can do to maintain your teeth when you don't have health insurance amd can't afford dental care? 7 months ago:
Floss picks, with a little piece of floss held in a plastic "harp" are so much easier than a spool of loose floss.
I am also told that flossing, while it does remove gunk and food bits, introduces oxygen, which serves to fight off anaerobic bacteria.
- Comment on Why doesn't the American market provide efficient and effective health insurance like it does for car insurance? 7 months ago:
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
Whole lot of simping for China there.
- Comment on "30 minutes or it's free" back then was wild 8 months ago:
Probably not legal, but who was going to fight it? The teenage pizza drivers?
- Comment on "30 minutes or it's free" back then was wild 8 months ago:
I did have some used 245/60s on stock steelies in the back of my 70 Oldsmobile at that time.
- Comment on "30 minutes or it's free" back then was wild 8 months ago:
I drove for Domino's when that policy was still in place. Here's why that policy was such a problem.
As a pizza driver, you were supposed to come in, look at the runs that were ready to go, and take the oldest one (maybe two, very occasionally three). The driver's decided which runs to take. So if you saw a run that you knew was going to be late, you just didn't take it, and left it for the next schmuck.
But why would you do that? What did it matter to the driver whether the corporate policy was "30 minutes or it's free"? Because if it was late, the driver had to pay for it.
I never had a late run, but I drove very dangerously sometimes to ensure that never happened.
- Comment on Are there any political or social movements that try to mandate all business be worker owned cooperatives and how can we support them? 8 months ago:
Okay, that's fair.
Using that terminology then, the Value outlaid to the common good returns a Use-Value that is worth incredibly more than if the Value had been expended individually.
- Comment on Are there any political or social movements that try to mandate all business be worker owned cooperatives and how can we support them? 8 months ago:
I may have understated a major point:
... I would argue that those benefits have far more Value than the dollars that I pay in taxes for them even now.
When we organize together to pool our efforts in ways that benefit everyone, the return on those efforts is exponentially higher.
When we work together to lift everyone up, we all receive a return that is far greater than the effort we individually put in. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and not just by a smidgeon. No, the outcomes are not always going to be perfect, but by continuing to work together for the common good, in myriad ways, with as many people as possible joining in, we will continue to approach a better existence for everyone.
- Comment on Are there any political or social movements that try to mandate all business be worker owned cooperatives and how can we support them? 8 months ago:
I know that was sarcastic, but I'll answer it seriously.
We are all part of the same society, and segregating people by what they do or can pay for doesn't change that, it only makes the society that we all live in worse for everyone.
- Comment on Are there any political or social movements that try to mandate all business be worker owned cooperatives and how can we support them? 8 months ago:
Common public services that lift everyone up give the Worker their Value in the form of a stable society and economy in which to live.
Roads are a great example. Yes, I use the roads myself, personally, to get where I want to go and back home again. The places I want to go would be fewer and farther between if there weren't well-maintained roads and traffic controls. Commerce, in both needs and wants, makes its way via roads, not just to me, but to my neighbors near and far.
Those roads contribute to a safe, comfortable, and just society. I reap the benefits of living in a more safe, more comfortable, and more just society because of them - and I would argue that those benefits have far more Value than the dollars that I pay in taxes for them even now.
When we organize together to pool our efforts in ways that benefit everyone, the return on those efforts is exponentially higher.