Consodering this is posted in LemmyShitPost, I can only assume that this is an absolute troll-post.
Because otherwise OP is an absolute clown.
Submitted 7 months ago by to [deleted]
Consodering this is posted in LemmyShitPost, I can only assume that this is an absolute troll-post.
Because otherwise OP is an absolute clown.
Yes. It sounds like you’re talking about the features you’re on the lookout for in a used car, which comes off as creepy.
You asked, I answered. Do you want to know what people think about your standards or not? I agree with your friends. I’m not equipped to help you demystify your feelings towards women, but I think a good place to start is by examining why these things are such deal breakers to you. Is the presence of these qualities the only things you find attractive, regardless of any other factors? Because that’s not how people typically view attractiveness.
Gamers, I can understand, but I draw the line at an*me fans 😤
Top tier shitpost
Video games and anime probably don’t contribute to being lean and in shape
If you really are a tren goblin you should stop taking unhealthy recreational drugs before you worry about drugs other people use. Like another user said, don’t expect anything you can’t bring to the table for them.
Also, the health of recreational drug use varies wildly. Having one drink of alcohol each night is different to getting very drunk every friday and saturday is different to going on cocaine benders every weekend is different to smoking a bit of weed after work is different to tripping on shrooms once or twice a month. Some of those have huge negative side effects on health, some have zero impact.
I agree even a little bit of alcohol is unhealthy, but that’s backed up by the science on the topic. Classic psychedelics (shrooms, lsd, mescaline) are extremely safe tho, less impactful to health than an unhealthy meal. If health is that important to you, at least have a consistent and evidence based perspective on it.
Complimenting appearance everyday is a misguided thing to promise, it’s better to compliment things people have more direct control over, and it’s better to understand the person and their love languages and show love in a way that they’ll appreciate the most. Never looking at another woman sexually is an impossible standard which you’re better off not promising.
Yes. For me it comes down to two things:
I don’t think you need to be so specific with your requirements. If they don’t like Anime, then that shouldn’t be a deal breaker. As long as they’re not forcing you to stop watching /liking those things, you can like different things.
Wow ok. So even if you met an amazing woman you got on with, if she didn’t have play video games or watch Anime you’d reject them? Seriously, you need to think of your priorities before you enter any serious relationship because it doesn’t sound like many of them are gonna end well
At the risk of making a serious reply in a shitpost thread…
Who you’re attracted to and what you’re looking for is subjective. No one else gets a say in what that is.
However, there are repercussions. The more rare what you’re looking for is, the harder it is to find. The more broadly desired what you’re looking for is, the more you’re competing with other people.
So sure, go looking for what you want, but be aware that you might be looking a long time, and they might not be interested in you.
Uhm. Wow. I’m going to go smoke some weed, then let my cat and think about this. 7 months ago
I mean…sure, you can pick and choose all you want, but you yourself gotta match your preference, i.e. you yourself must be lean and in shape. 7 months ago 7 months ago
Are your balls droopy or tight tho? This picture says nothing.