I work in a restaurant, high-end, multiple locations across the US. We have corporate in for the week as we launch a new menu with training for the whole team every day. Yesterday, second day, right before the end of the day, they sprung on us that they are changing our pay structure.
I have minor concerns but some of my coworkers have major ones. We met beforehand today to get united in our talking points. We raised them at the meeting with the corpos and though the bosses were clearly pressured and made (verbal) concessions, they would not acknowledge our concerns.
We had another off-premises meeting just now where we agreed to all skip the (technically optional) training meeting tomorrow while each sending the same written message through the official, and public, communication channel. We will still show up for our actual scheduled shifts.
Where I feel we’re strong:
We’re asking to keep the status quo rather than make a change. All we want is income stability.
All but four of us were at the organizing meeting, and of the four missing, two said in advance they’ll do what the group decides and one of the others spoke up verbally during the meeting today in support.
The bosses have already offered us concessions, some we asked for (after initially refusing) and some we didn’t ask for (greater leeway in comping [giving away] menu items, which may or may not improve tips).
Most of us don’t need this specific job, and can find a new one in less than a week. If it comes to an actual walkout, they will have to close the restaurant.
Management has already been trying to hire more staff for months, and cannot find worthwhile candidates; of the few they’ve hired, half don’t make it through training. We are not easily replaced.
Where I feel we’re weak:
Some servers have said they can’t afford to strike if it means lost income or losing a job.
The management were talking with may not have the authority to roll back this decision.
The already made these changes at one other restaurant in the chain already, and we can’t count on other locations to support us.
Any advice is appreciated. None of us had done anything like this before.
NateNate60@lemmy.world 7 months ago
Has anyone mentioned the word “union” in these communications yet? It needs to be gotten across that without a formal union, your bosses can just crush your little organisation with very few realistic legal consequences. They can make up bullshit reasons to fire you or reduce your hours as punishment. What is happening is just collective bargaining but without the legal protection of being a union.
Unions rarely strike. The threat of Industrial action (which is not just limited to striking) is usually an effective enough bargaining chip that in most cases, bosses offer concessions in negotiations without needing to resort to it.
There are limited forms of Industrial action as well. For example, the union can say that everyone should refuse overtime or that they should reduce their work to only the bare minimum required of them (which is called “work-to-order” or “work-to-rule”). Other tactics involve a large number of employees calling in sick on the same day. All of these allow workers to show their power without needing to sacrifice their paycheque.
If you contact the local chapter of a larger union organisation, they can provide resources to help organise your workplace. Google Search “Chicago restaurant workers union” and find the one that matches you and your colleagues’ values most, then reach out for help organising.
Employer intimidation is forbidden during the process of formally organising a union and will be prosecuted by the National Labour Relations Board.
noxy@yiffit.net 7 months ago
This is false. Per the NLRB:
A union can be as little as two workers who team up to improve their working conditions. Having a Union CONTRACT can be a thing, but it’s not required for legal protection, which can actually have some teeth if the bosses slip up in their union busting