- Comment on For everyone who voted for Trump, are you satisfied ? 1 week ago:
A friend of mine asked this on one of his social media pages. This was one of the responses he got:
Yes, we are very happy with what Trump is doing. I am not worried about disdain. Ninety percent of people I know voted for Trump for the same reasons I did. We are $2 trillion in debt with waste fraud and abuse running rampant in our government. Leftists are pushing transgender ism on our teenagers and I know this because I teach in public school and l’m not part of the union but still get publications from them. They are pushing for men to compete in women’s sports. DEl is a complete disaster for what should be obvious… instead of equal opportunity it’s forced equal outcome. The immigration system is a complete mess with millions coming over our border unvetted, while 400,000 children are sex - trafficked and people are killed by fentanyl. In Springfield, Ohio near to where we live, 30,000 Haitian immigrants have taken over a lot of of the city, are driving without drivers licenses, are flooding into the schools that can’t even handle the influx. In many cities, homeless people have totally taken over police departments, sleeping on floors and crime has gone up greatly. The previous president admitted to getting millions from our adversaries around the world and doesn’t even have a defense for it and can’t say what service he provided to get this money… the left censored our speech during the Biden era and lied to us about the vaccine, etc. That administration was the most corrupt in history. We teachers can no longer discipline in schools. I could go on and write chapters on everything!
It made me equal parts sad and infuriated to read that. This person has absorbed so much propaganda, accepted tons of misinformation as fact, and fallen for just about every moral panic currently out there.
- Comment on Can you draw a perfect circle? 3 months ago:
I think the algorithm just compares the distance between the center and your first point to the distance between the center and each subsequent point. So, for example, drawing an imperfect but centered circle will get you more points than drawing a perfect circle that’s really off center.
Fun toy!
- Comment on What can I do to help? 4 months ago:
Hard disagree. Randomly murdering fascists does not a revolution make, to say nothing of the odds of winning that fight.
Go to the gym. Be able to do cardio without dying. Work on your fitness and health. Then buy a gun. Train with it. A lot. Organize with like-minded people. Invest in community defense, look out for LGBT / immigrant / marginalized friends and family. Be prepared for violence, but keep it a last resort. When / if bullets start flying, lives with be ruined on both sides of the gun.
- Comment on What can I do to help? 4 months ago:
Hear, hear! If anything, this election has proven that we need to work on class consciousness and the Overton window. Mutual aid, direct action, protest & strike support, salting, and civil disobedience are all ways we can produce the conditions needed for positive change.
- Comment on Wednesday it is, my dudes. 4 months ago:
Counterpoint: “Kwaak” is the sound a duck makes, so frogs gotta say something else.
- Comment on Facial disfigurement: 'Restaurant asked me to leave over condition' 5 months ago:
He said they had told him that although it was a hate crime, it was “unlikely” officers could pursue it further.
Next sentence:
The Met confirmed to the BBC that officers had visited Mr Bromley about the incident and that although no arrests had been made, the force took “reports of hate crime seriously”.
Pick one.
- Comment on (Religious) What would i be labeled? 5 months ago:
The purpose of my jellybean thought exercise was to show that “I don’t know” and “I don’t believe” are not mutually exclusive. Basically:
I do not believe [x] != I believe [not x]
I don’t believe in String Theory. String Theory may be correct for all I know: I am not a physicist, and my understanding of String Theory is cursory at best.
Because I do not have enough evidence to warrant belief, I cannot say I believe in String Theory. But that same lack of understanding means I must also say I don’t believe that String Theory is false.
- Comment on (Religious) What would i be labeled? 5 months ago:
Say you have a jar full of jellybeans. We know that the number of whole jellybeans in the jar must be either even or odd.
If someone asks you if you believe the number of jellybeans in the jar is even, you can and should say “no” if you haven’t counted them or otherwise gathered any evidence to support that conclusion. To believe something is to say you feel it is more likely true than false, and you can’t say that about the given proposition.
Importantly, this does not mean you do believe the number of jellybeans is odd. The fact that one of those two things must be true does not mean you have to pick one to believe and one to disbelieve. It is perfectly rational to reserve belief either way until you have evidence one way or the other. You do not believe it’s even, nor do you believe it’s odd.
So, if we define “atheist” as “someone who does not believe in any gods”, I think you meet the definition of atheist. Just like the person in the above example does not believe the jellybeans are even & also does not believe they are odd, you don’t need to believe “there are no gods anywhere” to not believe “there is at least one god”.
- Comment on What have you been pondering about as of late? 6 months ago:
I feel you in a big way, but to be totally fair: corporations becoming states has probably trended towards the better from a zoomed-out perspective, and political leaders lying all the time has probably only become more visible than ever.
The entities that were doing all the colonialism for the past several hundred years have been private companies, and they did huge amounts of slavery and genocide. Blackwater is bad, but the East India Company was worse. This is not to say that things are good now, only that they aren’t like worse than they’ve ever been.
And I think the present day has a greater expectation of political leaders being accountable to the people they govern than most of history. Back in the days of monarchs and oligarchs, there was no mass media to tell everyone they were lying and no likely consequences for the liars even if there were.
Again, I empathize a huge amount with what you’ve said & I am also disappointed that the world we’ve created isn’t better than it is. I just personally think that the above two are trending in a more optimistic direction, even if they’re still objectively pretty bad.
- Comment on Anon checks out mobile gaming 7 months ago:
I have been enjoying Slice and Dice. Roguelikes scratch a certain itch for me.
- Comment on My work is organizing right now, this afternoon, and I don't know what I'm doing. What are the best practices? What are the pitfslls? 7 months ago:
Have you talked to EWOC? They should have someone with organizing experience that can help guide you.
- Comment on Female-to-male rape, (how) does it happen without roofies? 8 months ago:
Rape does not always involve physically overpowering someone. Someone may coerce someone else into sex with blackmail, lies, threats, or abuse of a position of power.
Erections are controlled by a person’s autonomic nervous system. A man can get hard even when he is not turned on or consenting to what is happening.
Not all rape involves a penis. A woman who sticks an object into a man without his consent is committing rape. Rape is about power and control over another person, and the rapist need not be directly stimulated for rape to occur.
- Comment on Doom: The Dark Ages is introducing big changes to combat because id Software came to one core realization: "Every projectile mattered in the original Doom" 8 months ago:
I’m glad I’m not the only one with that criticism. I enjoyed the first game so much more because of that.
- Comment on Rip megafauna lol 9 months ago:
Silly me, I thought you were trying to make a picture of an animal with a gun!
- Comment on Rip megafauna lol 9 months ago:
The receiver is backwards and there are two ejection ports.
- Comment on Neuro-biology of trans-sexuality : Prof. Robert Sapolsky 1 year ago:
This whole class is on YouTube if you search “Stanford human behavioral biology”. Highly recommend it!
- Comment on The Planet, some string and a bell. 1 year ago:
I did some numbers because it sounded fun.
Earth’s diameter is 41.804 million feet. I’m not sure if you meant that or Earth’s circumference when you said “Earth’s surface”, but I figure either one is gonna get us a really big number.
The first result I can find for string comes in a pack that weighs 2.89oz and contains 328 feet of string.
Using that as our standard, you would need 127,452 packs of string (assuming you find a way to perfectly attach them without wasting any length on knots).
127,452 * (2.89 / 16) = 23,021 lbs of string total.
So if we ignore the string stretching, compressing, or breaking, you’d only need to be able to pull 11ish tons of string to ring the bell!