I loved DA:O. It was far from perfect, but at the time it was the closest we could get to a spiritual successor to Baldur’s Gate, Neverwinter Might, and Icewind Dale - dark fantasy, tactical combat, and a decent story.
Then DA 2 came along and it felt like an entirely different series. I didn’t get it at the time because of how simplified and arcadey it looked. I picked it up on some deep sale and got bored of it pretty quickly.
DA:I seemed to be trending back in the right direction with a bit more tactical combat. I never finished it but it was decent enough on a sale. This looks like they doubled down on DA 2 here and…meh.
Doubtful I would have gotten it anyway since it’s EA but I would have loved to have been proven wrong.
jerrythejared@infosec.pub 8 months ago
This combat system looks objectively worse. No control over companions, no overhead view and issuing commands via a tactical view. Graphics look fine but for a 4th game in a series I’m not impressed.
sundray@lemmus.org 8 months ago
The days when Dragon Age was a whitebox version of Baldur’s Gate are long behind us, my friend. First came prioritizing consoles over PCs, then an awkward halfway house between action and tactical combat, now approaching Dragon’s Dogma action combat. The one thing I’ll say about DA: it’s consistently inconsistent.
Jyrdano@lemmy.world 8 months ago
The last time the tactical view was relevant was in Origins. Inquisition combat was a joke, and I say this as a fan of the game. The tactical view was useless ninety percent of the time with team members ignoring your commands more often than not. The actual combat itself was a mess too, to the point it was better to stay back and lob spells or arrow rather then risk missing all your attacks because your enemy is slightly higher up a hill. At least this looks more dynamic and skill based with all the projectile & AoE telegraphing.
scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech 8 months ago
Based on this trailer. If you’re right then yes I’d be upset too, but it not making it into the trailer doesn’t mean it’s not there. This is obviously the first mission, some of those mechanics may not be explained yet.
jerrythejared@infosec.pub 8 months ago
I won’t pass any final judgements for myself until full release but based off track record since DA:O and the rocky development cycle for this game, I’ll be very hesitant. One of the biggest tragedies for me is this doesn’t get me excited. I don’t think I’ve been excited for a BioWare game since DA2.