It’s great to be alive! - A 50s police safety booklet for children
Good to know since I hide in leaf piles all the time, especially ones in the street.
Submitted 9 months ago by to [deleted]
It’s great to be alive! - A 50s police safety booklet for children
Good to know since I hide in leaf piles all the time, especially ones in the street.
The city smash-trucks have designated routes, check your area smashing schedule before hiding in a leaf pile.
You can also get ringworm that way. Not quite so terrible as being run over, but still a good reason not to hide in “safe” leaf piles either.
The “city” on the side of the car implies that it’s a vehicle of city cleaning. It could be some other city service, but then it would be oddly specific. Does the city cleaning service just run over piles of leaves where the artist comes from, instead of shoving them aside? The latter would still be painful but arguably not lethal.
That aside, where do you find leaf piles just out on the road? Don’t they tend to be the result of, you know, being shoved off the street by city cleaning?
That aside aside, if anything, that cartoon is an argument for banning cars instead of telling kids not to play in leaves.
Okay, rant over. (I accidentally typed “rent over” at first. If only.)
adhd be like
Or be sucked into a jet turbine. Or run over by a lawnmower, or impaled by a combine harvester. What are you getting at?
Is this the before or the after picture? 9 months ago
This is no joke.
2 kids were killed in Forest Grove, Oregon hiding in a leaf pile on the edge of the road to surprise dad when Dad came back outside but instead were run over by teens deciding to drive the the leaf piles…
Tragic AF…/driver_who_ran_over_girls_play.h… 9 months ago
All the other terrible mishaps in that booklet are also based on true horrible incidents. The total spirit of the booklet is something that in today’s standards is not suitable for young children. But aparntly in the 50s when childern were left to roam the streets by themselves, it was ok.