Only to find out that whales are some of the foulest mouthed, rudest, and just plain mean creatures on the planet. Sure, they are mostly gentle physically, but they will absolutely destroy you verbally.
You might be interested in some of Dr Irene Pepperberg’s with. She worked a lot with parrots specifically, and pretty showed that they’re capable of an actual working vocabulary, not just mimicry.
Birds are manipulative dicks and constantly lie about shit, about you can verbally communicate with more than a few species in your native human language.
They won’t have a perfect grasp of what’s going on, but they understand a lot.
Corvids are the best ones to do this with, especially crows and ravens. Crows and ravens are capable of mimicry, are fairly common, and have their own language complex enough to pass down accurate information through generations 9 months ago 9 months ago
Only to find out that whales are some of the foulest mouthed, rudest, and just plain mean creatures on the planet. Sure, they are mostly gentle physically, but they will absolutely destroy you verbally.
But all joking aside… what would you ask a whale? 9 months ago
I’d ask what it thought about Star Trek IV. 9 months ago
I’d ask it to jump out of its tail. 9 months ago
You might be interested in some of Dr Irene Pepperberg’s with. She worked a lot with parrots specifically, and pretty showed that they’re capable of an actual working vocabulary, not just mimicry. 9 months ago
We kind of can…
Birds are manipulative dicks and constantly lie about shit, about you can verbally communicate with more than a few species in your native human language.
They won’t have a perfect grasp of what’s going on, but they understand a lot. 9 months ago
Corvids are the best ones to do this with, especially crows and ravens. Crows and ravens are capable of mimicry, are fairly common, and have their own language complex enough to pass down accurate information through generations 9 months ago
No animal understands the concept of a question not even great ape relatives to us