Now playing The Bravery - An Honest Mistake
I pretend to not see them
Submitted 10 months ago by to [deleted]
Now playing The Bravery - An Honest Mistake
I pretend to not see them
I’ll stop it right after that guy whose face I recognize and he probably remembers my name, but I have no idea what his name is.
They are all tied up to the track. Im pretty sure i can run far enough away before they can thank me.
Stop the train and let them die of thirst and animals?
You did your part and it was just fate that brought death on them.
Cut one out and run as fast as possible while they get up if you want to not let them die
Just demand payment. That’ll stop the small talk at least.
Isn’t there a way to pretend it was someone else?
Ok and? I’ll stop it anyway, talking to people is healthy for us as humans
Climbing over this guy to pull the lever so I can invite all of them to my improv showcase. 10 months ago
“Thanks for stopping that trolley”
“Y-you too” 10 months ago
“You didn’t ask me to stop the trolley and it was no big deal, so you don’t have to say thank y…”
“SAY YOU’RE WELCOME!!! The ritual isn’t complete until you say your part of the incantation.” 10 months ago
My favorite “thanks, you too” mistake ever was to the cashier at the Heathrow Boots wishing me a nice trip 😆 10 months ago
Happens on the other end, too. Had the server at a restaurant once slip up and ask me how I wanted my salad cooked.
“Raw, please.”