This should be in politics or something not shitposting
Submitted 1 year ago by to [deleted]
Comments 1 year ago 1 year ago
and we're still trying to clean up the corruption this created.. these are the same assholes who ended up giving us Trump.. 1 year ago
While a lot of this (or all) may be true, I see it as the same crap that has MAGA where it’s at. Lots of conspiracy theories and conjecture about why the government is bad, but no real idea about what better is. 1 year ago
The difference is that this is verifiable, and the idea about what better is, is ending the war on drugs because it was blatantly wrong to begin with. It didn’t even have “good intentions,” and it does nothing but harm now.
MAGA is where it’s at because they hate for the sake of hate. There’s no “better” for them, unless it hurts others. They’ll “believe” whatever is convenient, because they just want to be angry, whether or not there is any truth to what they’re mad about.
There are mountains of difference, and to “both sides” every time the left points out a legitimately bad thing is sheer obfuscating nonsense. 1 year ago
But you see, you are doing EXACTLY what they do. “It’s verifiable,” but you haven’t verified, have you? Or else you’d know it’s not necessarily fact, it’s contentious.
Yet, here you are preaching.
Secondly, to paint your opponent in a simple, degrading way is where fascism starts. The next step is to remove them as humans. There are people if all sorts on that side, just as this one. They care about their community, kids, etc, just like the rest of us. Are they misguided due to years of propaganda? I think so, but there’s propaganda all over, including the “communism is the solution” stuff that floats around this place. 1 year ago
I see it as the same crap that has MAGA where it’s at.
Objective truth didn’t get MAGA where they are, so you’re being silly here 1 year ago
Because this quote is objective truth, right? Of course it is. 1 year ago
Wait didn’t the original quote say they criminalized cocaine to target black communities? That’s why Reagan was having the stuff pushed into black neighborhoods right? 1 year ago
Because at the time, they weren't focused on cocaine since it was a rich person's drug. Reagan and the CIA creating the crack epidemic came after Nixon. 1 year ago
Crack cocaine and the whole cia contra thing was Reagan i think 1 year ago
Because cocaine was not a widely distributed drug in the 60s. It was another 15 years before it was being moved in significant volume. 1 year ago…
the war on drugs is fucked up and nixon was a terrible person, but the veracity of the quote is in question 1 year ago
Heroin isn’t gentle, nice or not a big deal. They may have lied about who had it but not about it being awful. 1 year ago
Criminalization hasn’t made the problem any better. 1 year ago
So many people don’t really get the difference between criminalization and legalization when you discuss things like this. 1 year ago
Actually I’d kinda disagree there, in the case of heroin, the sheer scope of negative impacts made it so that criminalizing it didn’t have the same effect that prohibition normally would.
Alcohol and Pot use may have skyrocketed, but heroin is only sustained as a black market item by the opiate and fentanyl crisis.
It’s a lot harder to say “that’s just what the man wants you to think” when you see advertisements for free kits and training to save people having an overdose that’s all but guaranteed to be lethal either from severity or from exposure to the elements if they wander out.
That being said, we’ve reached the point of diminishing returns on getting people to not start using it and as a result the criminalization has gone from getting people to take it seriously to having a hostile architecture effect on current addicts who still need help to get out before this extremely dangerous thing finally manages to kill them. 1 year ago
There have been a handful of good studies on the harms of drugs over the years, and they all published the same conclusion: The recreational drugs that are most harmful (both to society and to the user) are heroin, meth, and alcohol.
Just like heroin, alcohol is not gentle, nice, or not a big deal.
Why do you think one is socially encouraged and the other two are demonized?
The prohibition model was a failure for alchohol, and it’s a failure for heroin and meth too. 1 year ago
Alcohol should definitely be illegal. Prohibition was poorly implemented, but definitely correct in ideology 1 year ago
The CIA was smuggling heroin into the US to pay for illegal activities overseas. Nixon could have stopped it. He didn’t.…/CIA_drug_trafficking_allegatio… 1 year ago
Nobody is saying it isn’t. But if you genuinely care about the harm it causes and don’t just want an excuse to throw political enemies in jail, then the solution is obviously not to criminalize its use. The correct thing to do is to provide social and health services to addicted people to get them off of it.
All criminalization does is ruin the lives of the people it targets and enrich the prison industry. 1 year ago
There’s is a difference between advising against unhealthy behavior and punishing heavily for it. 1 year ago
Lying about heroin use in other to raid a person’s home, seize their personal effects, and jail them indefinitely has done nothing to reduce harm of heroin addiction.