To nobody’s surprise, Sega has enshittified its beloved Crazy Taxi IP.
And just like that, my interest in either Crazy Taxi or Jet Set Radio evaporates into the ether.
Submitted 11 months ago by to
To nobody’s surprise, Sega has enshittified its beloved Crazy Taxi IP.
And just like that, my interest in either Crazy Taxi or Jet Set Radio evaporates into the ether.
I mean, they were obviously going to add more modes if they want the game to be AAA. The Original games were basically a 5 minute arcade loop....
5 minute arcade loop that me and my brother replayed for like a 10,000 times.
I fear for Jet Set Radio. At least we got Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
Is it April 1st already?
I wish, Bonkers. I really do. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)
I wasn’t expecting much but this news is disappointing. Hopefully the remake and live-service game are completely separate from one another.
I’m somewhere between sad for the people whose talents are being directed to this, and feeling so profoundly unexcited about this game that I keep having to re-read the post title to remind myself what it was about.
Next up: empty Sonic levels until you buy packs of rings.
Stick with me here… 100 sonics airdrop on to a giant map…
This is why Frontiers map is so empty
Maybe let players form taxi teams and get into fights with rival ride hailing companies? Lol Could be entertaining.
100 simultaneous players seems like a lot for a game designed to be played in short bursts?
Well i mean… at lwast we’re getting a remake…
I wonder if everybody just buy the remake and completely ignore the live service bs, do you think Sega would abandon the idea for their next titles?..
Who am i kidding, Sega never learn from their mistakes.
What I really want to do is just drive a taxi without dumb people crashing into me. 11 months ago
This is what happens when you wish for the resurrection of a beloved IP. Another finger on the monkey's paw curls. The idea of a Crazy Taxi live service game is weird enough, but it's just bizarre that they are using Fortnight as a major inspiration for the Jet Set Radio reboot. I guess at the very least we are getting proper remakes of these games alongside the live service reboots. It will be interesting to see how the games do head to head, especially with the difficulties live service games have been having lately.