- Comment on What adventure games do you recommend? 1 year ago:
Did you mean The Outer Worlds or Outer Wilds?
- Comment on ELDEN RING Shadow of the Erdtree | Official Gameplay Reveal Trailer 1 year ago:
Ohhhh after seeing the trailer I bet you any money you’re right. I guess the one nice thing is that area also is good for farming exp. So if you are needing to access it quick it might not be so bad…
- Comment on ELDEN RING Shadow of the Erdtree | Official Gameplay Reveal Trailer 1 year ago:
I reallllly hope we don’t have to finish the story to jump into the DLC. After an almost 200 hour first playthrough I thought “oh man I want to do this again!” I got a quarter way through NG+ and put the game down and didn’t get around to finishing it.
I loved Elden ring as a concept, I think it was an extremely interesting twist on the formula. However for replayability I feel like it suffered heavily. The vast open world takes a long time to get through (mainly if you’re really trying to beeline directly from point A to B.) And if you need specific items or materials I feel like having to replay the various tombs /mini dungeons would be more chore like than fun.
I only came to this realization after playing demon souls and bloodborne for the first time recently. There’s very little filler a person would need to go through when replaying those older fromsoft titles. I’m so torn though because I really liked exploring in Elden Ring.
Sorry for the novel lol
- Comment on New Crazy Taxi Game Will Be Live Service with a '100-Person Survival Mode' 1 year ago:
I fear for Jet Set Radio. At least we got Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
- Comment on Persona 3 Reload sold 1 million copies worldwide within its first week, becoming the fastest selling game in Atlus history 1 year ago:
Does this include gamepass downloads? Either way that’s great. I’m glad Atlus has recently brought their games over to PC and xbox
- Comment on Game genres where "It's just more X content" is more than enough 1 year ago:
Old bungie halo titles. CE to reach please. I just want more of that.
Mirrors Edge 1.
Jet set radio future and Bomb rush cyberfunk
Picross 3D
Animal crossing new leaf (new horizons was good, but they just needed to bring all past features forward so that it didn’t feel like a doll house vs a life sim)
If I could get meta for a second, playing games online with my friends back from 2007 to 2014. Those were some rough times, but also some of the best times. We grew up and work schedules and time zones mess everything up.
- Comment on Working As Intended: The MMOs we lost in 2023 1 year ago:
I really want to get into FFXI but with the majority of people at endgame content I’m not sure I would get the same experience anyways?
I tried FFXIV and it felt oddly lonely. There wasn’t enough content that supported group play aside from the dungeons.
I think one day I’ll just have to set aside all other hobbies and gorge myself on both until I finish them/they click for me.
- Comment on The Best, Worst and Blandest of 2023 | Fully Ramblomatic 1 year ago:
I’m surprised by Amnesia. I thought if felt incredibly dated. The AI pathing/logic was rough.
If it came out in 2012 I would have enjoyed it a ton, but it just felt frustrating with how the AI worked.
- Comment on What's your favorite game you played this year? (Doesn't have to be released this year ) 1 year ago:
Outer wilds is definitely one of my favorites too. I went in blind which was awesome. Completely caught me off guard right after the tutorial. I didn’t expect such intricate mechanics
- Comment on What's your favorite game you played this year? (Doesn't have to be released this year ) 1 year ago:
Well Tears of the Kingdom ate up about 4 months of the year for me. Bomb Rush Cyberfunk was a game I had been waiting 20 years to play. So that was really nice. I just wish there was more of it to be honest haha.
Resident evil 4 remake and Bloodborne were my next favorites.
- Comment on So I tried Lethal company... and didn't like it. Does it get better eventually ? 1 year ago:
Sometimes we just don’t like certain genres. I’ve tried dozens of times to get into rogue likes and I cannot get into them. I enjoyed hades decently enough, and I could get to the boss. But the gameplay loop always gets repetitive for me. It’s weird!
- Comment on 1 year ago:
- Comment on Will more Studios end up releasing games on Fortnite? 1 year ago:
I know this wasn’t intentional but the whole phrasing of “created by the devs of rockband” has “Boruto’s Dad” levels of energy lol
- Comment on "The Next Subnautica" aims to deliver underwater survival spooks in early 2025 1 year ago:
Yeah I felt like below zero could have gone without the above land content. It just wasn’t nearly as good as the rest of what they had made. I really missed having the submarine thing too
- Comment on What game did you last finish? What did you think of it? 1 year ago:
Oh man I know what I’ll be trying after bloodborne then haha. Thanks for the info!
- Comment on What game did you last finish? What did you think of it? 1 year ago:
I just finished demon souls and I thought it was pretty good overall. I felt like the difficulty was interesting. I hit an initial wall until I realized I had to jump from area to area. At that point I steamrolled the rest of the game in two days.
Not my favorite of the souls series, but it was interesting. I could see how they used demon souls as a way to test the waters with various ideas.
I still think my favorites are dark souls 3 and sekiro.
Currently playing bloodborne now. I like where it’s going, but I’m still only on the third(?) boss so I’ll have to wait and see. It’s the last of the series that I need to play.
- Comment on What are some video games that had remarkably hectic public reaction at physical stores during release day? 1 year ago:
The only midnight launch I ever got to be a part of was the launch of the New 3DS XL. I got the majoras mask edition. It was actually a relatively small midnight launch as far as they used to go. That being said I’m really glad I got to experience at least one. I’m not sure if we’ll see massive midnight launches in the future.
I remember always seeing and hearing about midnight launches during the 360/ps3 era. I remember halo 2 and halo 3 brought in massive crowds.
When the 360 launched my dad went and waited outside a Wal-Mart in -25°c weather for a couple hours. I wanted to join but had school the next morning. Probably for the best as I would have been a whining little baby about the cold lol.
- Comment on GTA 6’s Publisher Says Video Games Should Theoretically Be Priced At Dollars Per Hour 1 year ago:
Alright so then pay us for the time spent in loading screens lol
- Comment on Luke's Thoughts On A Bunch Of Video Games He Didn't Get To Write About Because He Was Unemployed - Aftermath 1 year ago:
Play bomb rush cyberfunk. It’s not 100% like JSR or JSRF but it is the closest love letter to the two games we’ve ever seen. It is very good
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I could be entirely off base here, but I remember really enjoying tenchu z when it first came out. I have no idea how it holds up today, but a friend and I played tons of co-op and had a blast being ninjas
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I gave genshin a good try. I put in about 100 hours and I had to put it down. Finally getting a new character was great…until you realized the grind for the characters is a massive slog. So many materials to grind, and then some materials are gated behind certain days of the week. It just felt super punishing. I think if they got rid of the upgrade grind I probably would have stuck with it
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I had a game breaking bug that prevented me from getting into the end game boss area. I was disappointed. The rest of the game was fun from what I remember
- Comment on I'm not asking to be rich. 1 year ago:
My parents lost most of their life savings to a scam. I’ve been helping us get by for the past 5 years now. Recently due to interest rates climbing higher and higher, the only way the bank would allow them to renew their mortgage is if I was signed onto it. With the amount we have to pay monthly now, it’s like my salary was cut to worse levels than when I started. I’ll have $100 extra a month after the mortage and other cost of living expenses are paid. We’ll be cutting it close.
It’s extremely frustrating because my salary certainly is not making up for the increased cost of living. It feels like both my job, and the bank have me by the balls. Truly feeling like a wage slave
- Comment on Companies lower salaries in job postings as pay transparency laws take effect 1 year ago:
I’m currently being underpaid roughly 12 to 20k compared to my coworkers because my job title is slightly different. Yet I’m the one training all of them. I’m going to leave when I can but I’ve been stuck for a while. Might have to find a completely different job/career eventually.
- Comment on Bungie CEO Claims Layoffs Were Due to Destiny 2 Underperformance - IGN 1 year ago:
I stopped playing when the first dlc dropped. Honestly if they stuck with their original vision of destiny and kept the first game going I would have probably stuck with it.
I miss the halo era of bungie. Bring that bungie back lol
- Comment on Nintendo of America President: “Everyone Has the Right To Form a Union” 1 year ago:
This is kind of a nothing burger. Unfortunately companies say this all the time.
As history has shown, actions speak louder than words. You should only believe these companies statements if they actually allow a union to form without any interference on their part.
- Comment on Coming Soon to Game Pass: Cities: Skylines II, Dead Space, Jusant, Mineko’s Night Market, and More - Xbox Wire 1 year ago:
I purchased a physical copy for once, so that’s a no go for me. However I did get it on sale so it’s not quite as bad as it could be.
I’ve found this happens at least once a year or so. So I’ve just come to accept it haha.
- Comment on Coming Soon to Game Pass: Cities: Skylines II, Dead Space, Jusant, Mineko’s Night Market, and More - Xbox Wire 1 year ago:
Once again I’ve paid the game pass tax. I just bought dead space last week lol
I kinda wish they would announce upcoming games sooner or something. It makes it hard to determine if you should buy something or hold off indefinitely
- Comment on Do you find the description Live Service Game off-putting? 1 year ago:
On one hand constant updates and continuing a games longevity can be nice, but in reality it usually just means fomo which I despise.
- Comment on Game recommendation, looking for easier western 3D ARPG 1 year ago:
Just a suggestion, but I’ve heard you might need to adjust your playstyle for certain missions.