- Comment on Like a Dragon creator talks about Sega “flat out rejecting” the first Yakuza game thinking it wouldn’t sell 8 months ago:
Did you start with the original Yakuza? Kiwami has a couple things that would feel odd to a newcomer if they don't play 0, and the only reason you're skipping Majima Saga here is because of 0. If you start with 0 then all the context needed for Kiwami 1's additions and Majima Saga are available.
Plus, to be fair, we have had a massive number of newcomers credit to 0. It's probably the favorite in the series now.
- Comment on New Crazy Taxi Game Will Be Live Service with a '100-Person Survival Mode' 1 year ago:
I mean, they were obviously going to add more modes if they want the game to be AAA. The Original games were basically a 5 minute arcade loop....
- Comment on Indie gem Celeste gets a free N64-inspired 3D platformer to celebrate its sixth anniversary | VGC 1 year ago:
Is it hidden? I remember it being pretty popular when it came out.
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 1 year ago:
Mainly Genshin/HSR/Arknights
Just finished Yakuza Gaiden so not much to do. Was great to play Gaiden though, it was invigorating to not feel like I was on a daily grind.
A lot of my gameplay is gated by friend availability atm, and they have not been available.
- Comment on A billionaire wrote this letter to Google a year ago. How likely is that Google's layoffs and actions since then are at least partly because of this? 1 year ago:
I feel like there aren't enough heads turned on investors who could care about employees even less than companies do.
- Comment on What is the next "grown up game" now that Minecraft only goes for children? 1 year ago:
I don't recall it ever being considered a grown up game though. Even when Minecraft first came out most of the people I played with was more interested in playing WoW.
- Comment on Why there are no "secondary" sports league that allow performance enhancement drugs? 1 year ago:
Well, the problem with the glitches I was thinking of was basically:
-You have to play a worse version of the game. This was a majora's mask glitch. It relied on a bug that allowed you to "wrong warp" to the Japanese Debug Menu. The problem was basically it required you to increment a hidden index to over 8000. Which crashed the N64 version. The second issue is the debug menu requires the directional pad, which isn't mapped correctly on the Wii version. Which basically meant playing on the Wii U version which has input lag among other issues that make it...not very fun to play when speed running. Basically it doesn't play right.
-The other was an RNG glitch in Ocarina of Time. It worked on trying to get a bottle by the deku tree, which allowed you to do a very broken glitch that brought you right to Ganon to fight the final boss. The problem with that one is that it required you to trigger a pickup sequence in a specific way that allowed an enemy to knock you out of it. The only enemy drop that does this is the first deku seed of the game, and the enemies that were found using this method...had a low rate of dropping the deku seed. In theory it was the fastest run at the time, but on it's first showcase it went over the allotted time because the seeds didn't drop correctly until 30m into the run.
So in one case you had to use a version of the game that played awful to increment a hidden table 8000 times. And in another case you had to hope glitch went off without a hitch or you started over.
- Comment on Why there are no "secondary" sports league that allow performance enhancement drugs? 1 year ago:
Glitches aren't cheating. They're using knowledge about the game's internal workings. This is how the combo system that became the core of fighting games came about.
- Comment on Why there are no "secondary" sports league that allow performance enhancement drugs? 1 year ago:
I feel like your last sentence is a pretty big problem that doesn't require a "what else?"
- Comment on Kevin Hart Says He Won’t Host the Oscars Again: Awards Shows ‘Aren’t Comedy-Friendly Environments Anymore’ 1 year ago:
Why is someone who has experienced hardship or loss, going to a comedian who is known for mean/dark humor?
You can't make humor that pleases everyone every time. That's unrealistic.
- Comment on Kevin Hart Says He Won’t Host the Oscars Again: Awards Shows ‘Aren’t Comedy-Friendly Environments Anymore’ 1 year ago:
Goddamn you people cannot be this thick.
I'd say the same thing to you honestly. You seem too stuck up for humor.
- Comment on Kevin Hart Says He Won’t Host the Oscars Again: Awards Shows ‘Aren’t Comedy-Friendly Environments Anymore’ 1 year ago:
You mean slapstick?
The humor that is funny mainly because you suspend disbelief and watch something else get hurt?
That type of comedy that practically dominated for several decades?
The key to a lot of humor regarding misfortune is that it either isn't regarding you, hits a point that is true but not the core of who you are, or is far away enough that you can suspend disbelief.
In other words, yes, because they're jokes
- Comment on Kevin Hart Says He Won’t Host the Oscars Again: Awards Shows ‘Aren’t Comedy-Friendly Environments Anymore’ 1 year ago:
That's just a bad analogy. That's more like if a comedian can only copy someone else's jokes, they're not funny. If you wanted a pizza analogy, it'd be more like if you can only make thick crust pizza, but can't make any other types of pizza's, you can't make pizza.
Which is just not true. You just find an audience who enjoys being constantly given thick crust pizza.
Mean/dark humor isn't an incorrect type of humor. It is a different type of humor. If someone is good at it then they just need to stick with that audience. Is it what you'd consider high class or in good taste? Maybe not, but it's still their humor.
- Comment on Kevin Hart Says He Won’t Host the Oscars Again: Awards Shows ‘Aren’t Comedy-Friendly Environments Anymore’ 1 year ago:
No? You are completely welcome to hate that kind of comedy. In fact that kind of comedy by it's nature will have people who can't handle it. But it's acting like it's some new terrible idea someone thought of recently instead of a long-standing form of comedy that just happened to hit a bad spot for some.
It's basically re-contextualizing it as something that has no basis when it in fact should be a type of comedy that goes without saying at this point....
- Comment on Kevin Hart Says He Won’t Host the Oscars Again: Awards Shows ‘Aren’t Comedy-Friendly Environments Anymore’ 1 year ago:
His reading comprehension is fine, the guy said
If you have to rile the audience to be funny, you’re not funny. <-- A declarative statement with no gray option
Whereas Mr_Blott is saying that sometimes, it is
The guys even right that a lot of this isn't even new ideas. Mean or even dark humor has been around for centuries.
- Comment on Goodbye MatPat, thanks for everything 1 year ago:
So...what, when Toonami ended for the first time?
- Comment on Did someone tell Steam it's not April 1st yet? 1 year ago:
It's completely fan driven so if thats the result, then fans trolled themselves
- Comment on Hormones are powerful drugs. Taken by everybody. Creating massive aggresstion, obsession and mental disturbance. What would freedom from its influences look like for a society? An individual? 1 year ago:
Because those hormones are also involved with making people want to do those things. Just because you associate them specifically with fight/fuck doesn't mean thats all they do.
- Comment on Hormones are powerful drugs. Taken by everybody. Creating massive aggresstion, obsession and mental disturbance. What would freedom from its influences look like for a society? An individual? 1 year ago:
We'd die out. It's clearly a question that's hyperfocused on the worst aspects of it.
- Comment on Hormones are powerful drugs. Taken by everybody. Creating massive aggresstion, obsession and mental disturbance. What would freedom from its influences look like for a society? An individual? 1 year ago:
...Nobody would exist, those hormones are what allowed humanity to survive and reproduce long enough to ask this question.
As crude as those things are when you look at the worst parts of humanity, they're necessary.
- Comment on This fan-made HD PC port of Zelda: Link's Awakening is so cool I can't believe Nintendo hasn't taken it down yet 1 year ago:
Lets see...
-Everything related to Bethesda's mod scene
-The entire Touhou doujin scene, even including sold games/music
-Sonic games which included fans being brought in for sonic mania
-Megaman and Street fighter have huge histories in modding. Pretty sure megaman has an entire fan-game for Zero's orgin storySo...That gives us Bethesda, Sega, and Capcom at minimum for big players, and Touhou pretty much shows you aren't going to lose your fucking IP over this.
- Comment on This fan-made HD PC port of Zelda: Link's Awakening is so cool I can't believe Nintendo hasn't taken it down yet 1 year ago:
...You realize that none of that is setting precedent, it just means you can't pursue, right? You still can't lose the IP even in the worst-case scenario, and the first example you gave even says that.
Copyright protection is effectively never lost, unless explicitly given away or the copyright has expired.
You seem to just really strongly want to justify Nintendo's actions, which are not the norm across the industry for how IP issues are handled....
Like yeah there's shitty IP laws, and shitty trademark laws, but they don't justify Nintendo's specific reactions.
- Comment on This fan-made HD PC port of Zelda: Link's Awakening is so cool I can't believe Nintendo hasn't taken it down yet 1 year ago:
IP is different from trademark though. You're using them interchangeably.
- Comment on This fan-made HD PC port of Zelda: Link's Awakening is so cool I can't believe Nintendo hasn't taken it down yet 1 year ago:
I'm pretty sure that only applies to trademark laws, not IP laws.
- Comment on Sega wants classic franchise reboots to show ‘edginess and a rebellious mind-set’ 1 year ago:
If we've learned anything from the past, just give The Super Monkey Ball Monkey a gun
- Comment on Send that debt to the shadow realm 1 year ago:
Pot of greeds gotta be worth something after being permabanned
- Comment on PlayStation Portal Is Out Today, But Fans Are Having a Hard Time Finding One - IGN 1 year ago:
That's not a reddit thing though. People make one-offish comments everywhere. Maybe not in your inner circle specifically but in general i've seen a lot of forums and chat rooms growing up that are like that.
- Comment on YouTuber Jirard (a.k.a. The Completionist) has been accused of keeping and hoarding charity donations 1 year ago:
How is that a huge stretch??
- Comment on I'm not asking to be rich. 1 year ago:
You don’t have to “spend” all your money
Spending your whole paycheck is very bad at any income level, but it turns out when you’re poor you don’t get a choice.
- Comment on Youtube Depends on Ads to work 1 year ago:
That was a good Super Eyepatch Wolf vid.