Psychedelics are nice but meditation is better.
Here’s a nice clear succinct thing with pretty pictures.
Comment on Mental health 2 months ago
I just wanna see my soul leave my body… I just want proof that I am more than this meat.
Psychedelics are nice but meditation is better.
Here’s a nice clear succinct thing with pretty pictures.
Meditation is Contra. Mushrooms are Contra with the Konami code.
Both can be hard and take a long time to master. And the first is much harder.
Konami? Like, the videogame company?
Nah, the Barbeque Sauce company.
Mushrooms could help you think you’re more than a bag of neurons piloting a poorly evolved bone and meat mech, or they could help you think that that’s exactly what you are. It doesn’t matter either way. They’re fantastic and I highly recommend them. Take them in a place you feel safe with a person or people you trust. You can go in with intention to learn or change things about yourself, or you can go in just seeing where it takes you. I recommend stopping all mental health medicines for three days before ingesting. If you can’t handle three days without mental health meds then you probably shouldn’t take mushrooms.
I have a bar of shroom chocolate I’m saving for a weekend, maybe I could try listening to the Monroe Institute Tapes on them. I just want a soul.
I’m the wrong person to be talking to about souls for sure. If I had a soul I hope to go to hell and party with the devil.
Don’t go alone your first time. I’ve had some of my favorite trips by myself, but it’s not right for someone who is inexperienced.
You are more than this meat. In fact, meat doesn’t exist. It’s just a made up symbol our brains use as a shortcut for processing the far more complicated truth of the world.
I’m gonna click this link but this better not be some Heaven’s Gate/Hyperianism bullshit
I’ve never heard of Hyperianism before.
Hyperianism is a fringe belief system created by “Morgue”, who has claimed to have come into contact with “secret societies” that revealed the means to bring “timeless knowledge to the public” so that the world can reach “the next step of evolution” and “become whole.”[1] Morgue argues that material reality is a myth and that we all exist in a shared dream in which one can manipulate and control.[2] This belief system is based on the notion of “Ontological Mathematics” which is described as its “rational core”.[3]
Hyperianism claims to be an ideology based around logic and reason (though how hyperians often apply these tools doesn’t speak favorably to their competence), and see their movement as anti-scientism, anti-new age, and anti-religious. Ironically Hyperianism itself may be just as problematic as the ideologies and belief systems it rejects, even if that is not immediately obvious to Morgue himself. Hyperianism has been critiqued by TJ Kirk.
Oh, okay. Well, the foundation for soulist knowledge definitely isn’t any kind of secret. Sociologists and psychologists have been saying consensus reality is socially constructed for a long time. Soulism is just the application of this common scientific knowledge to the political sphere.
We do believe material reality is a myth and that the truth of the world can be controlled. For example, money only works because everyone chooses to believe it has value. The fundamental systems of our social world are powered by buy-in from the public. If people stopped believing, they would dissolve in an instant. What we need to do is understand that power and build better social constructs that are actually useful, like medicines and resilient social structures.
Soulists don’t value reason over empiricism. We believe various epistemological methods are best used together, playing to the strengths of each. Even mysticism has its uses, it can help us interpret our desires. We’re also not anti-religious in the slightest. Religion is just formalised belief, and controlling our own beliefs is the key to controlling our world.
Does that sound like what you were worried about?
I will admit, it does line up with things I see on many drugs and in deep meditations…
But if reality is thought and idealism is closer to truth than materialism, then why can’t I make the world suck less by changing how I think about it?
give those monroe institue gateway tapes a spin, I am more than my physical body because, etc
Do you have a link, Zelda? 2 months ago
I think if anything psychedelics have solidified for me the idea that I’m just meat, but in a very freeing way. 2 months ago
I’ve heard them described as the “cure for atheism”
That’s yet to happen for me. Last time I pondered on them I saw that everything is recycled, but not in a return to status quo… It’s like… when things are recycled we keep the original thing in some kind of shared memory while the things that originally made it are put to new purpose, a purpose that retains elements of what it was before.
Like homeopathy’s idea that water “remembers” is correct, but not for medicine or water, but on a smaller level that’s more subatomic. I was trying to find more but my boyfriend wouldn’t shut the fuck up so eventually I had to give up…
I need to trip alone in a deep meditation. 2 months ago
I can see that, personally I was and have been a staunch atheist since well before I touched any psychedelics and it has not changed my mind. To each their own and I think it can absolutely help in finding meaning in life whether or not that comes in the form of a higher power. Tripping alone has been great for me but I admit its always riskier.