- Comment on Why is it that clasped hands tends to be the norm for praying? 🙏 2 months ago:
My opinion is that if there is more to ‘this world’ than we see, then there is likely a way to interact with those things in some way.
Like an antenna, your body is a transmitter and potential receiver of some electromagnetic waves (light, radiation, heat, etc), the shape and position in time and space may effect that.
It’s likely that mudras or hand signs used while mediating and this post share a common source
- Comment on Mental health 2 months ago:
the book ’ reality switch technologies’ goes into some detail about how different drugs influence our precepetion of reality and what it might be bound in. I think you would like it
- Comment on Mental health 2 months ago:
give those monroe institue gateway tapes a spin, I am more than my physical body because, etc
- Comment on Subway lovers posted 2 months ago:
Can someone explain this, this post doesn’t make sense to me
- Comment on Does anyone else think the NYPD photos of the UHC CEO shooting suspect don’t match? 2 months ago:
Never talk to the police, there are many reasons why
- Comment on Lt. Gov. Patrick vows to ban all THC in Texas 2 months ago:
people like it, revenue like it, why not, maybe have the people vote on. not that texas is known as a smart place
- Comment on Is there any real physical proof that Jesus christ ever existed? 8 months ago:
But what is unique is the fact that we have an extremely well preserved corpus of text surrounding him.
IIFC all those writing are dated to well after the life time, like 100 year past it or so. It may be a bunch of written things but there is no/little reason to take those writings as anything but written down stories.
Ever play Telephone with a single word for 5 minutes? Now do that to a epic for 100 years, the end result will certainly be something but it may be nothing like the truth
- Comment on So is Israel just going to finish Palestine off? 8 months ago:
Sounds like the CCP approach to twain with the "but a ‘kingdom’ in the past had this territory so we are entitled to it.
- Submitted 9 months ago to | 0 comments
- Comment on Gen alpha has no fucking clue 9 months ago:
fuck all these ‘tribalism’ promotion posts, we should be finding ways to work together. Lisa, you’re tearing me apart!
- Comment on McDonald's is getting rid of self-serve drinks and some locations may charge for refills 9 months ago:
when the food has 2 days worth of sodium in it, you get thirsty. Many people don’t drink enough water so then your thirsty and have your liter-of-cola and you can down it easily at that point