- Comment on Why is it considered sexist to ask women to smile? 1 month ago:
Well people have frequently mistaken me for a woman most of my life and thats happened to me a few times. Its intrusive and irritating to be told I should look a certain way, especially by a stranger and I would consider it rude to say to anyone unsolicited.
Thats not to say its not worse for women having to deal with the objectification layer, too.
- Comment on Mental health 2 months ago:
I can see that, personally I was and have been a staunch atheist since well before I touched any psychedelics and it has not changed my mind. To each their own and I think it can absolutely help in finding meaning in life whether or not that comes in the form of a higher power. Tripping alone has been great for me but I admit its always riskier.
- Comment on Mental health 2 months ago:
I think if anything psychedelics have solidified for me the idea that I’m just meat, but in a very freeing way.
- Comment on Your opinion on coming down from drugs? 6 months ago:
Opioids can be pretty rough for me the next day, too and I’ve never even taken the real heavy ones. But otherwise I agree, alcohol is the worst.
- Comment on Anon likes Valve 8 months ago:
I’m really hopeful. I want something to scratch the Overwatch itch after it’s gone down hill.