The death penalty has not been executed in NY/federal court for decades right? Doesn’t seem like an actual threat. What they want to achieve is a good negotiating position for a plea bargain because they known a trial will be a shitshow.
Comment on Justice should be equal 13 hours ago
Because it’s about sending a message. They’ve seen how popular this guy and his actions have become and are trying to throw everything at him so it puts off any copycats. 4 hours ago 12 hours ago
True, hopefully it will backfire. 11 hours ago
Death penalty increases violence because murdering the person catching you becomes a way to increase your likelihood of surviving. 10 hours ago
So basically, killing Luigi would not make copycats less likely, but it WOULD make it more likely for copycats to shoot CEOs AND cops?
Hmm… The killing of Luigi itself would be awful, of course, but the consequences of it sound like a win to me 🤔 7 hours ago
[oh no… Anyway. PNG] 10 hours ago
Death penalty backfires because it demonstrates fear for what this person keeps saying. 8 hours ago
That would make him a martyr. I’m thinking the plan is to lock him up in max for life, then control the media narrative whenever his name comes up again.