Comment on What are they even doing in school these days? 4 weeks ago
Clearly the aforementioned schools are not teaching law or idiots like you might realize the murder charges are state specific.
Comment on What are they even doing in school these days? 4 weeks ago
Clearly the aforementioned schools are not teaching law or idiots like you might realize the murder charges are state specific. 4 weeks ago
What is terrorism? And why does the United States support it?
…and a public option is extreme? 4 weeks ago
Terrorism is one option of a handful of prerequisites for a First Degree Murder Charge in New York State, which Luigi is being charged with.
If he had killed a person in another state he likely wouldn’t have Terrorism included in his charges despite it being the same crime. 4 weeks ago
Step into the arena, many many people far smarter than you or me have hashed this debate and still have no consensus. 4 weeks ago
Well it’s a NY State charge and a prerequisite for First Degree Murder in the state so they clearly have the legal definition you spent your life searching for. Stupid. 4 weeks ago
If what Luigi did was terrorism then I support terrorism! Viva La terror!!! 4 weeks ago
Why is this terrorism, but a random lady shot in the Bronx is not? 4 weeks ago
Because the prosecutors didn’t pursue a first degree murder charge, or the murderer had other qualifications for the charge. 4 weeks ago
Going out of your way to not answer the question lol. 4 weeks ago
Why do you kill puppies with your heel?