Comment on Daily Discussion Thread: đŸš†đŸš‡đŸš„ Wednesday, 18 December, 2024 ⁚3⁩ ⁚days⁩ ago

Buying an eGift Card for Christmas:
Nath: ‘Hey Woolies, I wish to purchase a gift card on your site, but want to delay the gift until Christmas morning. Can this be done?’
Woolies: ‘Of course not. If you buy a gift card at 2am, we send a text message to your recipient at 2am. They clearly want this gift right now!’

I’m not going crazy, right? It’s a super obvious thing when buying a gift card that the person buying the gift would want to specify a delivery date/time as well as a recipient yeah? I told my work colleague and he reckons I’m an edge case. Most customers would want the gift sent immediately. Even if I wanted it same-day, I’d want the option to send it during waking hours.
