Comment on how badly could a pelican fuck me up in a fight? 1 week agoit should be like “I’m not planning on fighting a pelican”
Comment on how badly could a pelican fuck me up in a fight? 1 week agoit should be like “I’m not planning on fighting a pelican” 1 week ago
Nah, I think this way more.
`I’m not planning on fighting a pelican" comes off as “well, I’m not planning on it, but it could happen”,
I’m not planning on fighting a pelican
comes off as “Statement: I do not have plans to fight a pelican.”I feel the latter would confuse people more. Lol. 1 week ago
during the first women’s march I wore a shirt that said “nobody for president” and everybody loved it including the counterprotesters 5 days ago
Nothing blows my mind more then someone deciding that today theyre going to crawl out of bed and go counter protest people wanting equal rights. 6 days ago
Abe Simpson Voice “I’m a nobody!”