Insert Joker meme here
Comment on Perspective 1 week agothey don’t have to anymore since they caught the guy. 1 week ago 1 week ago
He is still innocent until proven guilty in court. 1 week ago
He’s just innocent. 1 week ago
Innocent and not guilty are not necessarily the same thing, but you didn’t hear that from me. 1 week ago
Unless it’s not one man, but a movement 1 week ago
It wouldn’t be the first time one guy shooting another guy triggers something massive. I mean, that’s how world war 1 started. 1 week ago
The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand might have been the spark that caught the fire that started WWI but there wasn’t a single cause. It was all the back-room alliances between nations that was the kindling that spark caught, and a long build up of new weapons no one had put into total mobilization yet, and a bunch of other things.
If Archduke Ferdinand wasn’t assassinated WWI might still have happened. Though history will never know. 1 week ago
Back-room alliances √ Build up of new weapons √ Bunch of other things √
Maybe its time to make friends with the doomsday peepers…