- Comment on Multiverse 1 month ago:
Group theory already solved that one 😄
- Comment on South Afruleca 1 month ago:
Yeah otherwise the nomenclature would not make sense
- Comment on the woke mob made the oscar mayer wienermobile stop throwing the defective factory dogs in the stands at nascar because 17 people “died” and caught “salmonella” 1 month ago:
I wanna block but it feels ironic
- Comment on Favorite position 1 month ago:
The meme is fun, just want to hear about peoples’ opinion 😅
- Comment on Favorite position 1 month ago:
You really settle your disputes during sex? That sounds unappealing honestly 😅 like can you be honest without breaking the moment?
- Comment on Potash is eternal 1 month ago:
I don’t get the meme 😭
- Comment on Threats 1 month ago:
Is that a SpaceBalls reference?
- Comment on The writers have run out of ideas 2 months ago:
Tant mieux :)
- Comment on I have a good feeling about this one. 2 months ago:
Wdym we’ve been suffering since 2012 here
- Comment on The writers have run out of ideas 2 months ago:
You have a very good French grammar level, congrats. The sentences gives away an English phrasing, I can give you some examples of how we could have phrased it in French :
Tout à fait, ma réplique peut être interprétée comme telle, mais aussi autrement. Je me plais à réfléchir à la beauté de l’exécution plutôt qu’à l’objet qu’elle représente. D’aucuns dirait qu’il s’agirait d’une forme de délire ou d’évasion de l’esprit.
- Comment on Ever since I've started running like a penguin with it's butt on fire I've saved so many precious calories 2 months ago:
Thank you for the clarification :) !
- Comment on Ever since I've started running like a penguin with it's butt on fire I've saved so many precious calories 2 months ago:
Can you please elaborate on what is bullshit? You are answering to an answer refuting the OP post, we don’t even know if you’re refuting the answer or the post, and you did not provide any clue as to why it’s bullshit.
- Comment on Good morning I choose durability. 2 months ago:
Value falling as fast as global warming rises
- Comment on Perspective 2 months ago:
Insert Joker meme here
- Comment on Thought-provoking 3 months ago:
That’s religious people for ya. I know how it seems like a good foundation for morale and philosophy to believers, but really there’s a point where you need to stop believing in Santa Claus and build morale on your own.
It might help you realize how many “sins” are meant to control you and how many other accepted or ignored toxic traits should be condemned.
- Comment on This is you tomorrow 3 months ago:
Thanks I feel so relieved. Brb gonna destroy this insignificant civilization
- Comment on Save big money, but not your soul. 3 months ago:
The Xerxes Incident