Can you please elaborate on what is bullshit? You are answering to an answer refuting the OP post, we don’t even know if you’re refuting the answer or the post, and you did not provide any clue as to why it’s bullshit.
Can you please elaborate on what is bullshit? You are answering to an answer refuting the OP post, we don’t even know if you’re refuting the answer or the post, and you did not provide any clue as to why it’s bullshit. 2 months ago
The original post is nonsense. Penguins are incredibly inefficient at waddling around on land, but they are extremely efficient in the water. Much of their preferred locomotion on land is sliding on their belly in the snow which is more energy efficient than waddling. So the idea that their third most energy effecient form of locomotion is more effect than a human on land is pretty absurd. 2 months ago
Thank you for the clarification :) !