No, landlords earn money by providing a service. Properties don’t maintain themselves.
No landlords hoard property.
Fine, landlords hoard property ownership.
The property is used by people.
As long as the landlord permits it, and as long as the landlord gets their premium.
Landlords profit off of permitting people access to shelter, a basic right that any human should be entitled to. It’s literally modern day feudalism. 2 months ago 2 months ago
Taking away the opportunity of home ownership is not a service. 2 months ago
That’s not what rental property owners do. They provide housing, not take it away. 2 months ago
Builders provide housing. Landlords are nothing more than a middle man. 2 months ago
So let’s say a landlord sells their property and somebody else buys it to live in.
Where do the original renters live now?
Or in a rental property, who is paying to maintain it if the landlord is not charging above their mortgage costs?
Or why would a landlord take on the risk of loaning an expensive asset to somebody at cost knowing they may not get paid? Or the boiler stops working and they have to spend thousands fixing it without any risk to the tenant? 2 months ago
If their rent went toward equity in the home they were renting, when the landlord sells, an equitable portion of the cash made during the sale would go to the renters. Ideally, the renters could then use that nest egg of cash to put a down payment on a home.
If a person is paying money for access to and upkeep of a particular home, I think it’s very fair for them to build equity in that home proportional to what they pay in rent. If landlords find that too risky or not lucrative enough, well, they don’t have to be landlords. 2 months ago
Renters hoard property rentership. 2 months ago
You have to actually consider what the other person is saying if you want to have a productive conversation. Being snarky or just responding with memes and cliches only distracts from the point being made.