To make your little prank more airtight you should say “driving force behind the feminist movement,” not “in the feminist movement,” because he was not in the feminist movement.
It was ABSOLUTELY started by women joining the workforce due to WWII.
I like to make a joke how Hitler was the biggest driving force in the feminist movement. Not because I support Hitler, and not because I’m anti-feminist.
I do it because it amuses me so much to say a wild and absurd claim like that, where womens feminists movements happened because of Hitler, and then watch their faces when I explain in a calm voice, with logic and reason, that there is a legitimate explaination for how all of womens progressive movements happened because of the most evil man in modern history.
I make sure to carefully tiptoe around saying that HE was a feminist. He was not. I never claim that. But by making THE LISTENER frame it in their own mind that way, and then explaining facts and truths, their faces contort trying to find the flaw. It’s great.
Again, not pro-hitler, not anti-feminism. Just very much pro-trolling chaos. 2 months ago 2 months ago
And it’s bullshit, woman’s suffrage, a global phenomenon started long before Hitler was born.
And it ignores all the women who worked during WW1. 2 months ago
Pull the stick out? I love history and thought of what you said as well and those women ARE remembered, but for a fleeting forgettable moment in a lemmy forum, even I had a laugh. 2 months ago 2 months ago
Haha, suffrage. Not suffering 2 months ago
That’s a very abrahamic religious centric view. No fault divorce existed in the latter Roman empire, and was in certain Norse communities and other “pagan”/heathen societies the world over. 2 months ago
He said suffrage not women suffering. Lol Jesus. Look it up in an encyclopedia.