Comment on How am I supposed to obtain income? 1 month ago
I’m an idiot, I’m blue collar, I’ve had about 20 jobs I’ve kept for at most, 3 years, and I could quit my job and have a new one tomorrow.
and that isn’t fair to you. 1 month ago
Hey fellow laborer. Loved your comment but I just want to say there are many different kinds of intelligence. Don’t call yourself an idiot. Working with tools effectively is a kind of intelligence for sure. I’ve seen a person who seemed incapable of operating a screwdriver, but he was a network engineer. I wish I’d known I was good at it much earlier in life. 1 month ago
Something got up my spine when I was 18 to where, I didn’t just dislike depending on Best Buy to work on my PC, I loathed it, and at the time, it wasn’t even because I was into computers. I saw the bill, saw the work, put two and two together and couldn’t believe I paid two teenagers to play Legos with my tower for the cost of a… then, PS3.
this is the work, huh?
Then one day at an auto shop…
teeth add 5 years of wear
“I can’t… do it? Eh?”
Every day since, I’ve been… doin’ it, in spite. 1 month ago
Righteous. 1 month ago
Good on you, my friend. This is inspirational. 1 month ago
I mean they also mentioned “knowing how to do as many different possible things as I can”, which to me sounds like a person who’s flexible and a fast learner. These are properties that can’t be taught, maybe not even learned with experience. And super valuable. 1 month ago
There might be elements that can’t be learned, but there are plenthy that can. A lot of it is just attitude. Perserverence and a willingness to acknowledge and learn from your mistakes and not get too frustrated when things break, I’d say that’s 90% of it. 1 month ago