Comment on Anon shoots some hoops 3 months ago
OK, I put a lot of thought into this, and here’s what I’ve concluded.
When the girls came up to anon and suggested the bet, he should have said: “Sorry, ladies, I can’t take that bet. See, whenever I do something, I give it 100%. So when I’m on the court, I’m being true and faithful to the sport of basketball. And the one thing I can’t do…” (he locks eyes with the girl he likes) “…the ONE thing I can’t do is be unfaithful.” (he gives his best boyish grin, then goes and makes the dunk.) 3 months ago 3 months ago
You forgot the “tips fedora” part. 3 months ago
That’s way too wordy.
Go make the dunk. Give her a moment of disappointment, then come back and say. “I don’t miss dunks, or dates. How about [local restaurant] at 6?”
Then you 1. Don’t miss a dunk in front of the boys and show your principles. 2. Get the date. 3. Let her save face - you’re not going on a date with her because you lost a bet, but rather because you like her. 2 months ago
Way too much planning. Go do a dunk, and get on the floor. Everyone do the dinosaur