How is ‘pork’ an acceptable term for sex though? The euphemism you are implying with it is literally to ‘fuck a piece of meat’. And pig meat at that.
This is not a cute or light hearted thing to imply when talking about sex. ‘Fuck’ is far less offensive a term for sex than ‘pork’.
But sure, whatever, if the women you fuck do want sex with them to be spoken about like you’re sticking your dick in pieces of pig meat, then by all means.
Just understand that it is disgusting and degrading to speak about sex this way publicly and you should really be more called out on it. 3 months ago
I just want you to know that your comment wasn’t blatantly disrespected at least by this internet stranger.
It’s a thoughtful reply to some asshat that was asking you questions in bad faith, he was not open to a different point of view from the outset.
And also that’s pretty awesome stance to take. I wish more folks were this mature about their relationships 3 months ago
If somehow letting out all of that vitriole helped that person in feeling relieved and with their views asserted, good for them.
I sleep at ease with my conscience, as I didn’t insulted them, regardless of what they felt or thought.
Thank you for your kind words.